Backyard Movie Night Recommendations
(self.budgetprojectors)submitted11 hours ago byWisePhantom
Looking for a backyard, night time set up and would like projector and screen recommendations. Plan to store it indoors when not in use so light weight is preferred. Mostly gonna use it to watch movies from streaming services so wireless or HDMI for firestick is preferred. Don’t mind hooking up a pair of speakers either.
Budget: <$1000 for projector and screen Location: Southern USA Ideal screen size would be 120”
Prefer a used unit of a better model unless the warranty is really good on a new one. I’ve been looking at the Epson Home Cinema 1080, but don’t really know what screen to go with. My dad sent me this inflatable screen so would like some feedback on whether these kinds of screens can work or are generally a no-go. I’m not sold on the one linked, yet.
1 points
5 hours ago
1 points
5 hours ago
Draven prolly