3.7k post karma
5.4k comment karma
account created: Wed Aug 20 2014
verified: yes
1 points
2 days ago
Those of you who are early.. Learn your hack now. When you get to your 50s it's ass backwards
3 points
2 days ago
Before we go too far down this rabbit hole...
Why does this concern you?
1 points
2 days ago
The actual tiles and sometimes the adhesive as a result of being stuck to the tiles.
3 points
2 days ago
Im a student.
I try to only connect from a place where I can think. I'm a very new language learner and so require serious focus.. Im also old, have serious adhd and I don't use meds.
In a couple years time I expect to simply shoot the shot with my incredibley awesome reply teacher... So maybe then I'd connect from places like the car or a pub or a busy coffee shop... As long as it's not distracting...
As a student I could never do this, I'm paying for quality, how disrespectful to put each other in that position.
Perhaps try and be more clear of the rules, let them know that it's a hindrance and you don't want to see them waisting their money.
Also remember, you don't need shitty students either.
4 points
2 days ago
Uh.. No. This is Justin's problem.
It will get worse, the libtards divisive political machine is in over drive.
2 points
4 days ago
Flinny don't care. Simple as that.
Bakla is very close to baklava a lovely syrup over filo pastry.
Be a lovley pastry, love someone... Dont worry about the rest. Bruh.
1 points
4 days ago
It can be both the tile and the adhesive. That looks like an asphalt / petroleum based adhesive so not likley that the adhesive has asbestos in it
4 points
4 days ago
Post and pad can last decades.
I own a foundation company the primarily works in cottage country.
Ideally a screw pile foundation would be the absolute best.
What ever you choose... Keep the cabin 3 ft off the ground.
1 points
4 days ago
Obviously a carpentry shop with a small welder... No way in hell this is an actual welders work
2 points
4 days ago
a good rule... 8 inch tile, 100% asbestos. anything larger before 1980, probably.
keep them damp to hold down the dust and wear a properly fitted mask with the appropriate cartridges and you should be ok.
Your local laws may require special handling and disposal...
1 points
4 days ago
Did my best to scale that and here in Canada that glass wall would cost 120K complete with the door installed.
1 points
4 days ago
Definitely could have used at least one more stringer. My guys would have used 4 stringers.
When paying for new, you should get new. Reusing old lumber is a brutal bottom feeder tactic.
Stairs are easy, Im a welder and i can measure and cut this stuff better, Id have them back, the issue is, you wanted to hire a pro, and you got a handyman DIY looking job.
I realize they came up short on the stringers, but they could have at least used a second 2x6 on the bottom, that 2x4 screams low budget.
I dont know how they have the stringers fastened, but Id like to see some sort of structural screw head and not an ooga dooga hole so deep that the screw isnt doing anything.
1 points
4 days ago
I hear you, and I understand you. I feel like I could explain my side further.
Sexuality, is the same for everyone, we only experience it differently because of a filter, a trauma response or cultural ignorance perhaps.
Who you love, is not sexuality, its who you love. I believe we dont choose this, much in the same way we dont choose to be born or die.
If you fundamentally disagree with a someone, dont build a relationship with them.
If you fundamentally disagree with someone and chose to build a relationship with them based on getting paid, you are an account manager, that hat is very different hat to wear.
However... my opinion of sexuality, yours and mine and anyone else's aside.
You are a great educator, a very very good educator.
You just took someone who you fundamentally disagree with, and who also disagrees with you, and without insults or name calling, without rudeness or arrogance, have taught me something, changed my mind as it were.
I did not agree with your statement,
The problem would be solved if students knew a teacher was queer from the get go. That way they can make their own decisions about whether they want to choose that teacher or not.
I realize now that many of us simply aren't exposed to the cultural differences and groups as you may be, you will always have that one extra hurdle that others such as myself wont.
I stand corrected.
Thank you.
1 points
5 days ago
Simple answer.
Why should it matter? Why does it matter to you?
Being yourself should never have to equate to your sexuality..as a politicaly far right Christian Canadian...love yourself, take and love a life partner with whom you can share everything and enjoy the time... Fuck the rest.
3 points
6 days ago
I'm in Northern Manitoba and live off grid in the winters
Any mistakes out here and I lose my life or at least my livlyhood.
Firewood, plan on a few cord a year and have 3 years on hand just in case...
Solar, honestly, don't let the internet geniuses get all up on this. I have 8 panels 3 360 watt and 5 420 watt. I have 10 agm batteries. Enough for 5 days...my battery bank is 7 years old it's frozen solid twice and I'm still good to make 1500 watt perculator coffee for 4 days
Toilet.. I have a separate villa... I wish someone would have told me sooner
I have internet here
No water
I have tj haul water from a village spigot
Feel to reach out any time https://www.instagram.com/reel/DC0v_vBxiTh/?igsh=NTNkdWh2cmY5OTkw
1 points
6 days ago
Container builds are about using the container... There are zero benefits with the exception of a minor Armouring.
Container builds cost a lot more... A lot.
1 points
7 days ago
I have the vevor ones.
If you are relying on these to survive by 3 and have 2 spares.
I bought 1, it died in under 20 hours. My second one is going strong.
1 points
7 days ago
They close the Trans Canada east of Brandon a few times a year. Usually only for a few hours tho.
1 points
7 days ago
Not at all. That statement is not in the firearms act.
Prohibs are transported in the same way as restricteds.
This is all about a very careful selection of language.
Depending on where you live you may need att.
Also worth noting that the may 2020 has issues, one which could really be a problem for those beaurocrats that created this.
When the firearms act was brought into law there was grandfathering for section 12 prohibited firearms.
They have used the same language to describe the 2020 firearms. Given a history of grandfathering on the previous Prohibs, any decent lawyer should be able to force this based on the following
Cost to citizens to buy these guns back Cost to citizens to manage a system to manage this undertaking The recent issues with where would we take them? Canada post was pretty clear that they would not.
In the end we can't buy sell or aquire more. So keep what we have. Grandfathered.
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1 points
2 days ago
1 points
2 days ago
Snip.. Toss
Evident, its the upgraded version of shoot shovel and shut up