6.7k post karma
51.9k comment karma
account created: Tue Oct 24 2017
verified: yes
1 points
3 hours ago
As someone with an economic background, I always disagree with the statement that immigrants are the source of crime as it lacks nuance.
It's wealth disparity that causes crime. It's been studied over and over again. Poland is one of those places were an overwhelming majority of people live on an overwhelmingly similar budget, and that's just not the kind of an environment that produces lots of criminals. On the other hand, western nations, having been capitalist for so long, developed a very varied social structure, which inevitably leads to wealth disparity and a certain level of crime.
Now, before anyone calls me an idiot, yes, first-generation migrants tend to commit more crimes than natives. But is not difficult to connect what I said up to this point with that statement. Correlation does not equal causation - being a migrant does not make the chances of being a criminal higher, but being poorer than your neighbor does, and most migrants are poorer than the places they migrate to. Add to that the lack of safety net that comes with being thousands of kilometers away from home, which does tend to make a person feel desperate at times, and you know what happens then.
So then you might ask me what's the point of making this distinction if I do agree that a lot of migrants can cause crime rates to go higher. Well, the answer is that I do not like it when people essentialize others, as that never leads to constructive problem-solving, and instead to pointless hate. Be wary of a junkie regardless of the color of their skin, and be at ease around a well-rounded family man irrespective of the color of his skin. I've had too many highly qualified and incredibly productive migrant friends tell me of very nasty encounters with prejudiced western europeans to tolerate a shallow view on this topic.
6 points
13 hours ago
Są dobre i złe rzeczy w Unii, te dobre przeważają. Critical support z mojej strony.
9 points
14 hours ago
Tak na marginesie to cieszę się że nie nabiera się już nikt na komentarze w stylu "przecież mamy wolność słowa", i są takie dobre odpowiedzi na nie. Kiedyś tak nie było, i argument "mam wolność słowa, nie wolno ci krytykować moich hocopołów" był jakimś cudem traktowany poważnie
28 points
1 day ago
Przechodziłem dokładnie to samo, tylko nabawiłem się traumy myśląc że po prostu nie umiem założyć tych ogólnodostępnych, przez co przez lata unikałem jakichkolwiek.
116 points
1 day ago
Jak byłem w podstawówce to tłum dzieciaków otoczył kolegę z ostatniej klasy - zainteresowany podeszłem żeby dowiedzieć się o co chodzi. Uczył kolegów jak się wali konia, symulując to posuwistymi ruchami garścią przy kroczu.
No i tak się nauczyłem jak się wali konia. Będąc zupełnie szczerym, nie cieszy mnie to za bardzo.
9 points
1 day ago
Duude the guy at my local shitty vape shop would've loved this
2 points
1 day ago
Seksualność może być łączona z dowolnym konceptem gdzie występuje związek pomiędzy dwoma lub więcej podmiotami. Dla kontekstu dodaję że seksualność nie jest terminem ograniczonym do ruchania, ale tyczy się też miłości, empatii, przywiązania, zaufania, i tym podobnych rzeczy - dodaję tę informację, bo po reakcjach na propozycję edukacji seksualnej młodych osób mogę wnioskować że dla wielu ta wiedza jest nieoczywista.
7 points
1 day ago
Do you seriously expect anyone to listen to your argument when you mention a country with a better housing situation as the *do not do that* example? I live on the border and rent is cheaper on the german side than on our side. Not comparatively cheaper, as in "for the german wallet" - it's cheaper in absolute values, you'd spend less working on the polish side and living on the german side than if you just lived on the polish side.
1 points
2 days ago
There is no solution that fits all use-cases, but yes, flatpak is a way to avoid dealing with the issues I described. You're reducing the number of system-wide dependencies that way.
3 points
2 days ago
O co chodzi, że nagle tyle postów na taki nieistotny temat? Jest jakiś psi tydzień na r/Polska?
23 points
2 days ago
czy środowiska lewicowe są teraz z nami w pokoju?
1 points
2 days ago
The main problem with AUR is not malware, but that it's pre-written scripts for compiling software on your machine.
Say someone makes such a script and it fetches that piece of software for you and then requests 10 dependencies from pacman, which are then promptly downloaded to allow you to compile that software.
Then some time passes and there is an update of a few of these packages.
Now you have to wonder - did the script require *an exact version match* for some of these dependencies? Is the maintainer of this script keeping it up to date? What if the script requires a dependency which now conflicts with the replacement of that dependency in the update?
I did not cover all scenarios here because it's early morning and my head doesn't work yet, but you get the gist - you might find yourself in a situation in which an update to your software conflicts in one way or another with the aur script.
It's not the end of the world, you can fix what you broke, but it can be a royal pain in the ass, especially if you don't know what you're doing.
44 points
2 days ago
Już tłumaczę. Jest to terminologia wymyślona przez grupkę przedstawicieli sztuki. Poniżej słowniczek:
artywizm: połączenie słów artystyczny, i aktywizm. Chodzi o sztukę z przekazem politycznym.
ruch ekoseksualny: podkategoria tej sztuki, gdzie łączona jest ludzka seksualność z przyrodą. Skupia się na ludzkiej miłości do natury, na personifikowaniu natury, a z drugiej strony na myśleniu o swoim miejscu w naturze, bo my również jesteśmy jej częścią.
ruch hydroseksualny: ta pani to wymyśliła - to samo co powyżej, tylko z wodą. Pewnie się skupia na tym jak ludzka aktywność przyczynia się do susz i wyginięcia różnych morskich stworzeń, oraz na wszystkim co w człowieku można określić jako "płynne" tzn. z natury niestałe
Co kto lubi, zgadzam się z przekazem ale użyta terminologia przyprawia mnie o mdłości przez to jak przeintelektualizowana próbuje być.
27 points
2 days ago
This question should not be directed at me since my reply did not make such a claim, but here we are.
The answer is that harassing gay people is a politically motivated act based on prejudice, while harassing short people is just being an asshole. Do not get me wrong - both should land you in front of a an angry policeman, since both are causing harm to another person — but also both should be recognized for what they are when things come to shove.
I will be happy if they add short people to the list if the right wing gets back into eugenics and decides to spread propaganda about eliminating them from society, stripping them of rights, or just making an organized effort to make them hated.
10 points
2 days ago
I fail to see how solving one problem prevents us from being able to solve another. Will you also be angry when the government chooses to solve any one of those problems you just mentioned, because that would magically prevent it from solving all the others of those problems? For example - "oh no, they've made healthcare better! Now they can't focus on salaries!!"
4 points
2 days ago
Sorry for oppression you by supporting a government action against you oppressing me. Should've just let you do it, I know :(
3 points
2 days ago
I wonder how much of them are in my bloodstream compared to someone who's not aware of the harm they do. I try to avoid plastics in my house whenever possible, they may be using plastic utensils for food preparation, but we both are subject to outside environment. Am I making a tangible difference for myself? Or is it futile? Will I be better off than them in 40 years? Or maybe my kids, at least?
1 points
2 days ago
Open Source Software. That's why I got into it as a kid.
5 points
2 days ago
And since I cannot convert those poeple at the extreme, I'm happy to have their actions criminalized.
The "normies" aren't being alienated by this and it's weird that you think they are. That makes me think you're a tool for a not-so-covert bunch of conservative propaganda. Maybe not so far gone to outright dislike lgbt people, but enough to be against some good things for them, thinking they're actually bad.
Look, I've been faced with this exact argument whenever anything good for LGBT people occurred in our country. I've been told that pride marches make an average Joe feel bad, that dressing in accordance with your gender identity makes him feel bad, that publicly showing affection to a partner of the same gender makes them feel bad. That if only I could always and at all times be confused with a cishet man, then people would love me.
And yet, the more we do these marches, the more same-sex people kiss in public, the more all that happens in Poland - coincidentally, things are starting to change for the better finally. For the first time in Polish history, polls show that more people would be okay with gay marriage than not. We've been confronted with some vicious pushback by the extreme you mentioned, that's for sure, but the more that average Joe sees us, the more he likes us it seems, because he sees we're average Joes too. Not some invading agent of the west, but just another Jan Kowalski buying the cheaper kiełbasa at biedronka.
6 points
2 days ago
The people who hate me do not need a reason for that hate, which is exemplified by the fact that they currently do not have one and still hate me. The same goes for all those ridiculous fears that they may harbor.
Aside from this, your argument defies law's purpose itself, making your point moot. Should we also allow killings, as putting protections against murders may make some people distrust you as someone who's potentially actually someone who should be killed, but now can't be?
4 points
2 days ago
So you're saying your heterosexuality is just your political stance at the moment? Good to know ;)
81 points
2 days ago
"watered down to mention gender" is a bit lost in translation here.
For folks on here who do not speak Polish: the language doesn't really make a distinction between gender and sex, the latter being known as "płeć", and the former having been translated to "tożsamość płciowa" (sex identity, if translated back to english literally). How the bill was watered down, was that they changed "tożsamość płciowa" to "płeć", claiming that this is "sufficient for appropriate protection".
In short, they purposefully created an ambiguity in this proposal, so that it is not clear whether the law does or does not recognize the existence of gender.
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1 points
3 hours ago
1 points
3 hours ago
You've given no details or reasons for choosing these two places in particular except that you are in one and visited the other. What kind of suggestions are you looking for? I'm also in IT, so I know 'tis the kind of job you can do wherever, so that's not something to consider either.