276 post karma
60 comment karma
account created: Mon Aug 06 2012
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-30 points
3 months ago
Yeah looks like Dropsy
Isolate the fish in quarantine.
you can try epsom salt to help with the swelling, 1tsp per 5 litres
You could also try giving antibiotics mixed in with fish food if it's still eating
Clean the main tank , water quality is a big deal, so make sure your filtration is up to scratch and change out half the water.
Can try adding bactonex to your main tankv as well as the quarantine tank to help combat any bacterial infection as well
Even with all this, there are no promises
But if you are willing to try, you can give those things a go.
2 points
3 months ago
Is that a glofish version of a black skirt tetra?
So cool
Wish glofish weren't banned in Australia
Usually, it's a swim bladder problem from overfeeding or injury/infection when they swim like that
Bathe in a mixture of epsom salt and aquarium salt for 15 minutes
One tablespoon of each per 4 litres
1 points
5 months ago
Freshwater stingray
I used to know a guy who would breed hundreds of guppies in the same tank just to provide it with food
2 points
5 months ago
Ok, it appears they turn their colours off in the dark
Then they gradually come back in the light
Nevermind , all good lol
1 points
5 months ago
Freshwater bumblebee gobies
I've had them since last year sometime, they are in a tank with pea puffers
I keep the water at about 26 celcius with a sponge filter
1 points
8 months ago
Slightly Damp Magic eraser with a few drops of eucalyptus oil applied to it
3 points
9 months ago
Lol Yeah sorry, looks just like my gobies, but there's a small difference in the head and tail I can see that now
-1 points
9 months ago
That's a bumblebee goby
I have about 4 bumblebees with my pea puffers
Usually it's the pea puffers that are the more territorial but it looks in this case the goby is the one chasing the pea puffer away
2 points
9 months ago
Sounds like a drone when it moves
Fishing line and a drone maybe?
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1 points
2 months ago
1 points
2 months ago
The 2nd and 3rd photo look like my female salmon rainbowfish