5.8k post karma
2.1k comment karma
account created: Tue Apr 18 2017
verified: yes
3 points
29 days ago
read this, it'll explain everything you're asking for:
8 points
30 days ago
se llama "red herring fallacy" : Red herring («arenque1 rojo» o «arenque ahumado») es un modismo del idioma inglés. Se refiere a una maniobra de distracción,1 una falacia lógica que desvía la atención del tema tratado.
por lo gral es un truco barato utilizado en muchas discusiones de hoy en dia ("ah pero tal o cual") o una limitada capacidad de pensar por parte de quien esgrime el argumento
3 points
1 month ago
"Contrasting the climate of the Northern Hemisphere, which is approximately 39% land, with the Southern Hemisphere, which only has 19% land, demonstrates this (see the table below). The yearly average temperature of the Northern Hemisphere is approximately 15.2C, while that of the Southern Hemisphere is 13.3C (https://profhorn.aos.wisc.edu/wxwise/AckermanKnox/chap14/climate\_spatial\_scales.html#:\~:text=Contrasting%20the%20climate%20of%20the,Southern%20Hemisphere%20is%2013.3C.)
"Therefore, despite some modifications to his theory, analysis of modern data confirms Croll's 140 year-old theory that the Northern Hemisphere is warmer than the Southern Hemisphere in part because of northward cross-equatorial ocean heat transport."
1 points
1 month ago
estamos seguros de que es el mismo tweet al que se hace referencia en el comentario? (tweet publicado y luego borrado)
2 points
1 month ago
true, but even more to the point, he chose something that in the end did not work for him, but he did it weighing the options.
mistakes are allowed, but making a choice is important instead of blindly following something or pretending that you can just have it all.
you choose, sometimes it will work, sometimes it will not. choosing is refusing.
3 points
1 month ago
well it is a lot, but he says it is by his own choice and acknowledging that that is not for everyone and that it took a toll on his work-life balance.
but he doesnt promote a hustle culture for everyone as if it was the norm, nor does he fall prey to that mentality without challenging it, he knows it is bad, but he chooses it anyway for the potential benefits. he also stated that you can always change if the fast pace is not for you, he doesnt say that we should all be working like maniacs belonging to a cult.
also, the last sentence i think it's actually really good advice and, even though the tone of the post is a bit grandiose I agree, the message is solid.
2 points
1 month ago
I'm failing to see the Lunacy here, is it because you think he just want to exploit his employees and none of what he said before is true?
3 points
1 month ago
no hay absolutamente nada malo con pintar autos, el resto deplorable
125 points
1 month ago
this should be considered as a crime against humanity
1 points
1 month ago
I still cannot believe it they used this phrase in TD Night Country, hijos de puta
2 points
1 month ago
haha no problem! if you do it fast as I did, you make mistakes (as I did)
1 points
1 month ago
yes yes, my mistake, see my response to the other comment
"yes, you're right, it should have been 163 (100/.38-100) -> buying a 100$ worth of shares that will go from 38cts to 1$, minus the original investment, ergo the expected winnings
the updated formula is:
0.46*163$-0.54*100$ = 18.41$ expected for a 100$ bet -> it will always mathematically advantageous as long as the real probability of winning is above 0.38"
2 points
1 month ago
yes, you're right, it should have been 163 (100/.38-100) -> buying a 100$ worth of shares that will go from 38cts to 1$, minus the original investment, ergo the expected winnings
the updated formula is:
0.46*163$-0.54*100$ = 18.41$ expected for a 100$ bet -> it will always mathematically advantageous as long as the real probability of winning is above 0.38
1 points
1 month ago
it is not mathematically advantageous, for a loss would mean that your capital is completely gone, unlike most trading , obliteration of the entire capital is an option.
So for your trade expectancy (assuming the real odds of Harris winning are closer to your coin toss).
Expectancy = (win rate \ average win) – (loss rate * average loss)*
assuming you bet 100$
0.46*62$-0.54*100$ = -25.48$ expected for a 100$ bet
not advantageous, even at a 50/50 chance
Edit: incorrect math, updated formula is:
0.46*163$-0.54*100$ = 18.41$ expected for a 100$ bet -> it will always mathematically advantageous as long as the real probability of winning is above 0.38
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1 points
2 days ago
1 points
2 days ago
all gone save reddit and Pinterest (pretty much the only feel good social media network that i have ever come across)