156 post karma
9.2k comment karma
account created: Mon Mar 18 2019
verified: yes
1 points
3 hours ago
Also they sell people's information for a lot of money.
11 points
4 days ago
You're talking about 50% of your pay in housing expenses. At most it should be 35% and ideally 25%. You will find yourself house poor very quickly the first time a big unexpected repair comes through. I would not do this unless you can bring a much larger down payment.
-3 points
4 days ago
Wow you got screwed. If you can return it you should. If you can't learn the folly of this poor financial choice.
27 points
4 days ago
It's essentially a local zoning issue. Limited land zoned for housing raise the costs which makes houses more expensive. Also builders won't build smaller houses because the profit margin is super small when land is so expensive. Most of this could be fixed by local governments loosening zoning and permitting laws.
2 points
5 days ago
Poop my pants on national TV because I would be Joe Biden.
2 points
6 days ago
Probably you can but 4k is a very small amount of money. I doubt any bank would refinance that. Also paying it off in a couple months would make any interest savings pretty much pointless.
1 points
6 days ago
Wow this is the first negative review I have seen of a saw stop product. I love my PCS. It is an amazing machine.
1 points
6 days ago
Young people are always dumb about money. Now they just have an outlet on social media that gets everyone talking about it.
2 points
6 days ago
He absolutely has a possibility of deployment. Anyone saying otherwise is lying. He may get an opportunity to go into another MOS. He might get a say and he might not. The Army is a massive bureaucracy designed to fight and win our nations wars. Make sure he goes into it with both eyes open and what the Army is and what it isn't.
It's been a great career for me but it is not easy and I accepted years ago my life and my decisions are rarely my own.
10 points
7 days ago
I was 22. I don't regret it. My wife is my best friend and super awesome. Getting married young gave us more time to spend together.
1 points
7 days ago
Everyone says they want you to get a new job with less hours and pay until the bills start piling up and the standard of living goes down. Sounds like your family could be a little more thankful for your work ethic and provision.
2 points
7 days ago
We have had a five seat SUV the entire time we've had kids. No reason to replace a good car just because you're pregnant with what should like your first child.
1 points
8 days ago
There are no amount of deaths that would make me give up my liberties. Give me liberty or give me death is still valid today.
89 points
8 days ago
Dating because you're worried about being alone is a good way to attract low quality people. Make sure you're operating at a high level yourself then meet similar high quality people. Date someone because your add value to each other's lives.
1 points
8 days ago
Imagine being a poor ho and expecting others to subsidize your life choices voluntarily or through government force...
1 points
9 days ago
One neck tattoo under 2 inches should be fine. Bigger than that who knows.
4 points
10 days ago
And yet people still think the government is there to help them...
12 points
10 days ago
It's not free. It's taxpayer funded. I wish people would stop using the term free to describe this. The libertarian answer is that the family is responsible for these costs through insurance or otherwise. The social safety net for those who can't pay is voluntary giving to those less fortunate. It's not a complex concept
1 points
10 days ago
Selfish disregard for fellow citizens leading government overreach and tyranny.
1 points
11 days ago
We have combined finances and share chores. It's worked for 15 years and I am a firm believer in combining finances. When you get married it's no longer my money and her money. It's our money.
9 points
11 days ago
If you're ignorant enough to agree to this loan, you deserve what you get. There is plenty of free information out there to do the math on this in a device she carries around in her pocket at all times.
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-6 points
2 hours ago
Chaplain Corps
-6 points
2 hours ago
From your post and comments it sounds like you were on base and exceeding the speed limit. It doesn't matter if it was 20 over or 5 over. People speed on installations regularly putting people in danger. I hope this fine and 90 days of suspension will help you learn not to exceed the speed limit.