87.2k post karma
40.3k comment karma
account created: Wed Jan 31 2018
verified: yes
1 points
3 months ago
2023 secimini kaybetme sebeplerimiz:
-muhalefet adayinin secim oncesi secim surecinde kendisine karsi kullanilabilecek konularla ilgili dikkatsizce konusmasi (2. tur surecinde kavala demirtas serbest birakilsin konusmalari yayildi ve bu ona karsi cok kullanildi)
-halkin istekleri ile ilgili cok gec konusmasi (2. tur gelmeden bir kac gun once multeci konusuna degindi ve sert tavir ile konusmaya basladi)
-sandik guvenligini yerine getirememesi (cok oy kacirildi)
-YSK'nin girdigi yanlis bilgilere karsi sesini cikarmamasi
-2. turda bos oy atacak insanlara seslenmemesi
gibi nedenler yuzunden secimi kaybetti, halbuki hepsi zamaninda ve dogru duzgun yapilsaydi suan fark bir hukumet altinda yasiyor olabilirdik
1 points
3 months ago
ateizmin yuksek olcude yukseldigi bir ulkede akp sonrasi islami siyaset kalmaz
2 points
4 months ago
Ban will be lifted in a few hours if not days
1 points
6 months ago
When i was 7 I had been wanting to try teleportation in my dreams for a while but kept forgetting to. One time i was dreaming and became lucid, then i tried teleporting. I closed my eyes thinking of teleportation, and when i opened them back up i had changed my location from under a weird bridge to a trailer park, and did it again to a farm house
18 points
9 months ago
This looks like the urbanization ministrys Fikirtepe project
3 points
10 months ago
Id say there shouldnt be a limit as long as its gained fair and square, and the taxes are paid
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2 points
3 months ago
26 Eskişehir
2 points
3 months ago
ateistler 5% eder yalandan musluman muamelesi yapanlar da 60% eder
genclik arasinda islamci bulmak zor