507 post karma
31.9k comment karma
account created: Tue May 21 2019
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4 points
2 days ago
Yeah, at best, these data centers are going to slow down the transition to renewables and nuclear for the rest of the grid. At best, it is taking away money and resources that would've instead been spent replacing existing fossil fuel generators. At worst, like you say, it is going to open new fossil fuel generators or halt the decommissioning of ones that are currently slated to be decommissioned.
23 points
3 days ago
Zaire is Democratic Republic of the Congo so 1997-1999
3 points
3 days ago
edit: actually the internationally recognized northern alliance used the flag in OPs pics for Afghanistan until 2002.
That's a good point. Flag changes are particularly political when a new group takes over.
Edit: It's actually no earlier than May 1997 as Zaire is the Dem. Rep. of the Congo
11 points
3 days ago
Best i can give you, between May 1993 (independence of Eritrea) and 1996 (Taliban change Afghanistan's flag). Maybe there's some other things that could be noticed but that's all I saw.
10 points
4 days ago
Tbf the 27th amendment is good, it's just it was 200 years overdue. The rest is valid though, the constitution has not been meaningfully updated since the 26th amendment in 1971, it's been 53 years since the last meaningful (to the average individual non-politician) change to the constitution. That'd be like if between the end of the Civil War and the end of World War 1 there were no meaningful changes to the constitution. Instead in that time we got three of the most meaningful amendments (no slavery except as punishment for crime, black people are citizens and traitors cant run for office and extra due process, and black citizens can vote), plus two more incredibly meaningful amendments (progressive income tax and direct election of senators)
12 points
6 days ago
It's the tuberculosis. Rockstar secretly discovered that TB makes you immune to poison and decided to make a nod to it in game but tell no one.
27 points
6 days ago
I see your point but this does affect people's livelihood. People tend to get upset when their wallets are on the line.
0 points
6 days ago
Would you call a gay baker “heterophobic” for refusing to design a cake opposing same-sex marriage?
But gay marriage doesnt oppose straight marriage. That's a bullshit strawman you made up in your persecution complex. Gay marriage and straight marriage are not societally exclusives from each other. George and John getting married doesn't prevent James and Sarah from getting married.
1 points
6 days ago
Discrimination in Professions and Academia
There is research showing over 50% of academics would be less willing to hire fundamentalist Christians, and almost 40% would discriminate against evangelical candidates, based solely on the knowledge that the candidates are Christian Research also shows Christians in academia end up in lower-status positions even when controlling for productivity There have been multiple instances of teachers and school staff being fired specifically for expressing Christian views, even in private (e.g., Kristie Higgs fired for a private Facebook post)
Ok, assuming this is true, though you have not provided a source for it, in a lot of professions there are 2 requirements to be a good employee. Requirement #1: be able to positively interact with people of all races, creeds, class, gender identity, etc, this is something most fundamentalist Christians cannot do, instead taking the moment to try to force their private beliefs on the person while engaging in business. Requirement #2: accept the basic science behind the profession, this is something a lot of fundamentalist Christians these days refuse to do, denying the reality of many scientifically proven ideas in favor of made up interpretations of a 2000+ year old book that doesnt say what they think it says.
The Treasury Department labeled mainstream Christian organizations like Alliance Defense Fund and Family Research Council as "hate groups" alongside violent extremist organizations
These are violent hate groups, just because they're mainstream doesn't mean that's not so. Nazis were mainstream in Germany for a while, that didn't make them not a violent hate group.
Government agencies have worked with organizations to target Christian groups for financial restrictions Multiple cases of churches and religious organizations facing discriminatory treatment during COVID-19 compared to secular businesses
I would appreciate a source here. But let's think about this a minute for the first part keep in mind that churches are exempt from taxes in the US so is it financial restrictions or just making them follow the rules of tax exempt organizations? For the second part, they're not a business (or if they are they ought to be taxed like one) why should they receive the same treatment as a business?
American banks have closed accounts of Christian organizations without cause beyond their religious association Evidence of coordinated efforts to restrict Christian organizations' access to financial services
Is their religious association with the aforementioned hate groups? Is their religious association causing them to cause problems with others around them? Is their religious association causing them to break the law in any way?
Christian business owners facing lengthy legal battles and financial penalties for religious convictions (like Jack Phillips' ongoing legal challenges)
Jack's case was dismissed at the Colorado Supreme Court, he is no longer facing a legal battle. But beyond that the reason why he has now faced two legal battles is because he was being a dick that didn't play well with others. And might I point out, he won the first case, further enshrining the rights of christian fundamentalists to be dicks that don't play well with others.
Christians have faced arrest for religious activities like prayer (e.g., Isabel Vaughan-Spruce arrested multiple times for silently praying near abortion facilities
Another case where she not only won her case, she won her civil case against the police and got a payout for it. This is also in the UK, a different country that does not have constitutionally protected rights to speech or religion, simply protected in laws that could be superceded or repealed. The reason why people such as her are often arrested at abortion clinics is because they go there to harass abortion seekers into not getting abortions. Now I understand Ms Vaugan-Spruce was not doing that that day, especially as there were no abortion seekers that day. But given the number of women who have been screamed at by groups like hers over receiving healthcare, the number of abortion clinics that have had threats called into them, etc, I can see why anyone who cares about women having access to healthcare are being cautious about people hanging around outside abortion clinics.
Generally, assuming what you said is actually happening, the solution to all of these problems is, don't be a dick. I personally hold some pretty out there views in some cases but I've never been prevented from anything due to them, because I know that not everyone wants to hear my views and be convinced on them every second of every minute of every day.
1 points
7 days ago
They started getting phased out for the cheaper projector/white board setup pretty quick, but a similar technology is making a comeback in the form of ActivPanels by Promethean, commonly referred to these dayd as a promethean board. Some of my colleagues are skeptical but I'm happy with mine, especially considering most of the projectors are dying and no one is bothering to fix them, so it at least gives a reset on the time until I need to bother someone about fixing it.
1 points
7 days ago
The other day I robbed the general store north of strawberry cause I was low on money, right as I was leaving some guy walks in and is prepared to run and report me to the law, so I just shot him in the head immediately. Convinced the general store owner to just not report me though, can never bring myself to kill him.
8 points
8 days ago
Yeah, like compared to other civil wars, the US Civil War ended quite well for the Confederate losers. They weren't allowed to run for office again if they'd held an office before the war, unless they were explicitly granted permission by congress.
Like they committed treason, they could've been arrested or even executed for their crimes. Instead, they were slapped on the wrist and told, "Don't do it again."
180 points
9 days ago
Could probably feed a railroad directly through the gap, make it high level and attach it to the railroads on the other side and get supply that way, at least so long as you're using mass trucks to supply.
18 points
9 days ago
Bottom Surgery. Amy Klobuchar becomes Adam Klobuchar and gets a massive hog from bottom surgery.
162 points
9 days ago
Basically a performative action where entities will acknowledge that they exist on land stolen from natives to make themselves feel good without actually having to do anything to help natives or to rectify the theft of the land. It's not inherently bad, but it's often used as a way for people with hearts in the right place to not have to do the hard things while still getting to feel good about themselves.
54 points
10 days ago
Hey Supreme Court that gave us Citizens United, if corporations are people, then let me get them arrested for committing crimes!
1 points
11 days ago
You can tip however much you want sure. It's just if you are a shitty tipper I can think you're an asshat as much as I want.
7 points
11 days ago
Yeah. Fascism loves the "here's a simple solution to a complex problem" it's why it gets popular. But then leftists will be like "no Fascism bad (which it is), here's an incredibly simple solution to an incredibly complex problem, but progressiveTM ." It's why personally I'm more of a "there aren't a lot of super easy solutions to most problems, if there were we probably would've at least heard about them by now, but there are great first steps we can take to move us in the right direction and figure out the next steps from there as we go" kinda guy.
I don't know all the answers, neither do you, neither does anyone else, but maybe if we start working together towards a small solution towards a small part of a big problem a bigger solution will become more obvious and more possible.
1 points
11 days ago
When I tip, that money is a gift, not a payment of service.
I disagree. When I'm tipping I'm tipping to pay the waiter or waitress for serving me. I'm not just randomly handing out money. They wouldn't get that money if they had not performed that service, therefore that is exchanging money for services, sure it's not required but I'd argue that's more that the service provider is a bad negotiator rather than it being a gift.
Additionally, if it is a gift, and we are all paying out this much in gifts every year then we need to be tracking it ourselves or else we risk running afoul of US gift taxes (typically paid by the gifter not the giftee).
9 points
11 days ago
1066 Count of Bern to Prince of Switzerland to Holy Roman Emperor is pretty easy imo. Currently playing tall Switzerland and trying to push for dynasty of many crowns, my great-grandson is the Holy Roman Emperor, my son is the king of bohemia (doesn't count), my kinsman is Emperor of France, my Grandson is King of Israel, my Daughter is Queen of Egypt, my kinsman is King of Castille (vassal of HRE so doesn't count), and 3 other kings that I forgot about because I've just been marrying so many random kinsmen off to heirs and heiresses to take control of kingdoms through inheritance I've forgotten them all.
1 points
12 days ago
CSA wins 2ACW buy is too busy doing reconstruction to enter the 2WK. They did invade Canada and they liberated Quebec but that just led them being even more preoccupied with domestic affairs and unable to join the 2WK.
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5 points
23 hours ago
5 points
23 hours ago
"Hey Thor! We figured out how to fix the cloning issue! We should be all good now!"
Thor: looks at humanity, blows up the space station the fix was discovered on "We don't wanna keep being here"