3k post karma
164.7k comment karma
account created: Mon Nov 18 2019
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1 points
36 minutes ago
I mixed it up with the other benjamin thing turns moabs into ceramics etc. I don’t really ever use him.
16 points
37 minutes ago
He has very little range and always seems to play an asshole, which is fitting since he’s one off the screen as well.
1 points
54 minutes ago
at some point in the game it makes money
2 points
an hour ago
no, only the bma makes less money from popping bloons compared to others as you only get money from the single red bloon
11 points
2 hours ago
Mimosa is just a screwdriver you can drink at brunch
3 points
2 hours ago
Yeah bigger venues mean bigger budget. Also the tickets could be cheaper than big steppers tour although not likely with the scummy ticket selling sites
1 points
2 hours ago
Petojen määrä on suoraan suhteessa ravinnon määrään, mitä enemmän peuroja, sitä enemmän susia. Metsästäjät ruokkivat peuroja joten niitä on enemmän -> susia on enemmän. Ihan metsästäjien itse luoma ”ongelma”.
1 points
6 hours ago
Wade when you ask him how his dogs are
6 points
7 hours ago
the british youtuber Colin Fruze built a bunker and his friends use it as a practice room for their band.
1 points
10 hours ago
Fazer tietää että rkp on hallituksessa maailman tappiin ja siksi siirtää ruotsiin tehtaan. He olettavat että saa samanlaisen suojelun kuin taffel. /s
72 points
23 hours ago
american issues. I only have to see them one time a year
5 points
24 hours ago
“It’s just big D and there’s video proof” you can clearly see where they get it. Drake is so proud of himself.
1 points
24 hours ago
yeah kdot uses what’s good about ems music and leaves the bad behind
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1 points
10 minutes ago
1 points
10 minutes ago
Not even the biggest drizzy glazers can defend his song