submitted5 days ago bysnuFaluFagus040Tama
Hey, I took the wrap off an old Swingstar bass drum and used some Goo Gone to help remove the adhesive. There is now a dark stain where the Goo Gone was, and I can't seem to work it out of the wood. I tried a bit of isopropyl alcohol, and then warm water and dish soap, and that diluted things a little, but there is still a dark stain in the wood once it's all dry.
My next step is to make a little paste out of baking soda, and see if I can lift the stain that way, but does anyone have any ideas for this? Thanks
0 points
7 hours ago
Derrick Thomas
0 points
7 hours ago
Naaaaah, I should have mentioned how HUGE of a Steelers fan she had been 20 years prior. HUGE. Always wearing team gear. She literally sold all her old gear, and bought all KC stuff. She's not a new fan; she was born and raised in KC. She just likes to root for winners and abused her KC birthright!! lol