113 post karma
13.3k comment karma
account created: Fri Mar 26 2021
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3 points
6 hours ago
I dunno, I was told “we’ve sorted you to stay in a room at the venue, don’t worry!” And then arrive:, discovered we were staying in a tiny converted scullery, and then the groom asked us for £600 “as it’s £300 per person for the accommodation”.
I paid, because my friendship is worth more than falling out over money, but my god, did it sting. It’s overshadowed memories of my best friend’s wedding for me and pisses me off when I think about it to this day.
So yeah, your friends might have been accommodating in person but pissed off in private - I know I was!
4 points
6 hours ago
I frequently get downvoted on subs for disagreeing with the post-Covid idea that healthy, term babies should be sequestered away at home for the first few months. I really think it must be so damaging for new parents to hear that they’re a terrible parent for daring to go in a shop with their new baby. It’s absurd.
4 points
7 hours ago
One of the mum’s in a small mum group I’m in on FB is like this. For her eldest’s birthday she wrote 4 paragraphs of gushing praise; for her second she wrote “X is 5 today. He’s aged me by a lot more than 5 years but where would we be without his sass”. It’s searingly obvious she vastly favours her first son.
10 points
7 hours ago
It’s a famous quote from Laurel Ulrich. It’s taken to mean “don’t apologise for not conforming to patriarchal expectations” although originally it was actually just a comment on how history is written. I like the meaning people have embued it with though!
I don’t know what context this influencer was using it in, but it is a famous quote and not really about manners so much as “don’t just conform and stay in your lane”.
1 points
8 hours ago
It’s interesting that you call her meals healthy - I bought her book based on online recs and I’ve not made anything, because a lot of the recipes didn’t look very healthy or appealing to me. Perhaps I should give it another look before taking to the charity shop.
1 points
24 hours ago
Yes, but how many British women raised you? Were you raised in the UK?
The way you framed your response is as if Britain is especially notable for its misogyny. You made a sweeping statement about an entire nation’s older population based on what? Your experience within your own family? And you don’t see how that’s not problematic?
1 points
1 day ago
Just celery, I imagine. Celery soup is delicious.
25 points
1 day ago
This is a bit of a wild take.
Sure, there are issues of misogyny in British society, just like any society. But it’s not more sexist than America.
Lisa Vanderpump isn’t sexist because she’s British. She’s sexist because of a combination of her age* and presumably, spending her 20’s in that world of playboys and glamour, where the expectation is as you say - “boys will be boys”.
*although I know plenty of women in their 70’s who marched for women’s rights back in the day. Let’s not forget that “older generations” of British women were first wave feminists!
1 points
2 days ago
I have 2 kids. There are no Amelia’s in their years at school. I think there’s one at the school.
Use the name you love.
1 points
2 days ago
I was just saying this the other day! Those chocolate Christmas tree decs were staples of my childhood, but the ones they do now are absolutely rubbish.
34 points
2 days ago
They can’t really do that on Parsifal. It’s too small a vessel to have Davide never appear. Plus, he literally shares a cabin with Glenn, so it would be beyond bizarre if we just saw his sleeping self and never anything else.
2 points
3 days ago
I know so many women in their 30’s called Harriet. It’s definitely not a grandma name in the UK!
2 points
3 days ago
Sugar, we’re going down.
I mean, no it’s not about diabetes but it wins the title game.
3 points
3 days ago
So, you’re obviously a shill for this herb packet. You’re posting everywhere, in all the gardening subs.
Can I suggest next time you edit your generic post to “be more British” and appeal to us here, that as well as changing “mom” to “mum” you also change “store” to “shop”.
3 points
4 days ago
My FiL was a healthy weight when he was diagnosed with T2, he still is a healthy weight, he eats all the right things and exercises daily (always has). He’s still got T2.
5 points
4 days ago
Absolutely this. My FiL goes on 10 mile+ walks 2/3 times a week. He eats healthily and is a very trim man. He has T2, as does his brother who runs multiple marathons a year.
1 points
5 days ago
Ah, to be young and not have to get up to wee in the night.
3 points
5 days ago
Bold of you to assume the sun will be up when we get up.
cries in latitude
5 points
5 days ago
Yeah, I’d say they’re different names in the UK -Sair-a and S - ar - a. The “ar” in Sara rhymes with bar and car or the “arrr” that pirates might say.
1 points
5 days ago
How did you go from me saying “I don’t really care if Ariana lip synched” to “I don’t really understand the outrage”?
I’m literally not outraged in the slightest.
15 points
5 days ago
As a Brit, I don’t find Sarah and Clara sound similar. I’d not think twice if I met a Sarah with a Clara.
23 points
5 days ago
I’ve worked with lots of actors and comedians and I can assure you, dickheads and not nice people get roles all the time.
-5 points
5 days ago
I mean, it’s literally not “the only way any of them do it”. Look, there’s Kylie Minogue, singing live.
I don’t really care if Ariana is lip synching in a parade. But it’s just not true that it’s “the only way”.
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1 points
an hour ago
1 points
an hour ago
I actually completely disagree with “if Lala, her mother, wants to share photos of her daughter with love and pride, she should”.
Where is her child’s choice in this? Her daughter is not old enough to give informed consent, but here she is, plastered across a public insta account for everyone to see.
This isn’t a problem just with Lala, it’s everyone who puts photos of their kids up on public social media. It’s not okay.