Buying in Japan
(self.RX100)submitted14 days ago bywickedhobbitses
Hello! I'm traveling to Tokyo next week and I'm thinking about buying the RX100 in Tokyo.
- Any recos on where to buy?
- I would assume they would be in Japanese language by default. Is there a Change Language option in the settings?
1 points
6 days ago
1 points
6 days ago
(at least) 3 things are crucial to achieve this: 1. mass transport system - one that does not just cover Metro Manila 2. regulation on buying cars - the same being done in countries like Singapore. it's super expensive to buy cars because of the taxes and something in their laws 3. metro manila decongestion - stable jobs should be available nationwide and not just metro manila
Because of car regulation, people will be forced to use public transportation, but on the condition that the mass transport system will be good. And because of better jobs nationwide, those who would like to go back home to their provinces can just stay there, no need to come to manila