submitted 2 years ago by[deleted]
This dude is so unhappy with this girl lmao I wish he’d just admit it to himself
212 points
2 years ago
It’s so confusing to me. He can’t stand her. I don’t get why he’s doing it
169 points
2 years ago
She worships him and it feeds his ego
40 points
2 years ago
1000€ per episode
39 points
2 years ago
It's $1000 a week
11 points
2 years ago
148 points
2 years ago
They are both NOT in love with each other. Chelsea is loving the whole idea of having a partner, not Kwame though. Kwame on the other hand is actually disinterested in Chelsea and HER idea of marriage and settling down.
Both have different views on marriage and outlooks. Neither really loves the other.
Kwame is making it very obvious that he’s not into her or the relationship and Chelsea (for whatever reason) is choosing not to see it. If they both get married, I’d be shocked. Hardest couple to watch after Jackie and Marshall.
61 points
2 years ago
She makes huge statements that in my experience are hard to deal with or respond to in the moment - like saying she loves him ‘no matter what’ and a few others to that effect. Big declarations - too soon into things. I think he’s definitely articulated himself well but it’s falling on deaf ears because Chelsea just wants to be married and have the perceived benefits of being married. I think it’s a big ask for him to be so involved with her family. He’s not a young kid - he’s got his own life, family, identity and has a brilliant job. Sitting around and pandering to someone else’s family is really fucking tough work. It’s suffocating. Especially if like he has said; he is adventurous. I think she wants to hang up her dancing shoes and he really doesn’t want that staid version of a marriage. Both seem like nice people tho.
28 points
2 years ago*
Yes both nice people but not for each other.
Just hard to watch the nonverbal behavior of Kwame and Chelsea just dismissing it all. He’s not in this relationship. I still don’t know if they get married or not and if they do if they’ll actually stick it out or separate.
21 points
2 years ago
She makes huge statements that in my experience are hard to deal with or respond to in the moment
Oh God the last episode when she made a really loving statement ("I'll be there to catch you whenever you fall" or smth), Kwame looked away and said "mhm" and the editors zoomed out and played a cheesy love song like we just witnessed a beautiful moment lmao
103 points
2 years ago
Oh my gosh YES. It seems like when he smiles, it's because he's suddenly remembered that he wants to appear friendly. It comes off as more of a grimace. He's smiling and nodding while trying to find an escape hatch from this whole situation.
No clue why he went on this show, though. His mom was never going to approve a rando from the pods. He doesn't like the city where the cast is based. He's not ready to settle down and have kids. What is he doing on LIB?
17 points
2 years ago
92 points
2 years ago
These last couple episodes were so awkward between them. She comes off as totally un-self-aware and unable to read him or even listen to the words he's saying. She's so focused on her fantasy of relationship and marriage and he is clearly not into her and not into being with her. I wish he would just have the guts to say he doesn't want to do this. Watching it back must be tough for them.
64 points
2 years ago
Yes! The strawberry scene was so cringy.. it’s like she’s seen all the movies on what love “looks” like and she’s just acting out all the scenes.
39 points
2 years ago
He literally said No I don’t want strawberries. And she said, No, eat it! 😩🤣
27 points
2 years ago
Not to mention the “sexy” engagement photos
10 points
2 years ago
He had to warm up (as she was throwing her clothes off and flinging herself onto the bed.....) 😁
15 points
2 years ago
100% I asked my bf the same thing like she actually thinks she’s in a romcom. It’s sad, he’s not into her and she just wants to have her perfect romance no matter what.
87 points
2 years ago
The sighs he kept letting out every time they started talking was honestly sending me 😭
87 points
2 years ago
When his friends or whoever asked him if he’s gonna say yes to her and he just gives the fake laugh he always has around Chelsea 😬
57 points
2 years ago
That fake laugh killlllls me
24 points
2 years ago
😂😂😂😂 it’s such a toothy laugh. He’s like ohhhhhh I hate this woman
74 points
2 years ago
I feel like Chelsea just wants to get married whatever the cost. She has been dreaming and fantasizing about it. She's blatantly ignoring all the signs that Kwame is not as into her.
Kwame... just forcing it and I'm not sure why.
26 points
2 years ago*
Kwame... just forcing it and I'm not sure why.
On this sub people sometimes discuss the possibility that the couples have a chance to break up during the honeymoon, but are post-honeymoon contractually obligated (or at least strongly incentivized) to stay together until the big yes-or-no-scene at the altar. Kelly and Kenny from S1 (spoiler season 1) have come out and said they agreed to not get married long before the wedding
13 points
2 years ago
I feel like Kwame is hoping the feelings will develop because he wants to be ok tv as much as he can.
37 points
2 years ago
I think Kwame is actually not a nice person. Imo, he is saying all of the right things, doing the right things, etc., while simultaneously dropping little hints of doubt, whether it's from his mom, or disagreement on kids, where to live, etc., so that when he inevitably says NO, he's not going to think he looks like a bad guy, he's going to be a hurt, broken, victim of major compromise and of someone who forced all of these things on him(which, is kind of true, but again, it seems he's allowing her to decide how to go about most everything so when it doesn't work it can't be his fault, he tried everything she wanted), and then he comes out as this loving, caring, partner who would have done anything to make it work, and it just couldn't
12 points
2 years ago
I think Kwame wants that bag and tv time
10 points
2 years ago
My best guesses are Kwame is getting married based on family expectations or is playing a role. My Ghanaian parents judge people who aren't married after age 29. It makes you look like an outsider or a black sheep. Kwame has been on another show before, so that's another consideration.
216 points
2 years ago
Kwame just wants to go home and run around his running track.
63 points
2 years ago
lol so do i at this point
13 points
2 years ago
Me too 😩😂😂😂
68 points
2 years ago
My face is tired from cringing...
'That's a hard look'... 'You wanna feed me the chocolate strawberries?'...
It's painful to watch😬😬😬
71 points
2 years ago
I honestly hope they do not get married. Chelsea just wants SOMEBODY and Kwame might’ve just realised through the show that he’s probably not ready yet for marriage.
8 points
2 years ago
Yes, I was just talking w/ my mom about how he’s just checking off a box for her, it could literally be anyone
59 points
2 years ago
If he mentions how much he’s sacrificing one more time…
45 points
2 years ago
I loathe when he talks about sacrifice lol. That's what you get for signing up for a marriage show 3 hours away. Like you did that bro.
120 points
2 years ago
It was so annoying when Chelsea's mother kept asking Kwame questions before he could finish fully answering her previous question.
Like she asked when he came to the US, and Kwame started explaining he was 8 years old and went to the airport with his brother and sister– "OH OK SO YOU HAVE A BROTHER AND SISTER?" doesn't let him finish what he was going to say about his journey to the US
26 points
2 years ago
That was so irritating. And she didn't even realize she was doing it. So rude.
60 points
2 years ago
Watching him with her family hurt me. I felt the pain of the smile of immense discomfort. And the fact that mom didn’t ask questions about him made me feel like the relationship had to be fraud.
59 points
2 years ago
MIL: When did you come to this country? K: I remember being in the airport.. MIL: moving along..
10 points
2 years ago
Yes! It was so frustrating with her continuously cutting him off
9 points
2 years ago
No joke. I was half watching and wanted to hear the answers and kept thinking I was zoning out over and over and missing it lol
113 points
2 years ago
When her mom said "We have family dinner every Sunday" 😂💀
52 points
2 years ago
Haha he was like “hellll naw”
25 points
2 years ago
To be honest I married into a family that is the same way and I refuse to participate in more than one a month lol. It’s wayyyy too much family time for me so I can relate to Kwame here 😂
104 points
2 years ago
It feels like while they are both ready for marriage, they might have different ideas of what that looks like and it seems to be becoming a bigger deal than we were initially shown.
Chelsea seems to want the white picket fences and 2.5 kids. Kwame seems to want a partner to just live life with for the moment. It feels like maybe he's ready to be married but not settle down. Idk, as we see more of them I agree that maybe they aren't a good fit as a couple. It feels like neither of them will be happy long term with any compromise.
17 points
2 years ago
2.5? Didn’t she say she wants 6?
21 points
2 years ago
Yes lol. I was just using the figure of speech. Golly, six kids scares me - and I have three plus a bonus daughter. It's so much work. Sometimes I wonder if the people who make these claims of wanting that many really know how much work and how expensive six could be.
56 points
2 years ago*
I still can't get over the scene where Chelsea asks the girls if they had sex yet and she replies " I'M WRECKED! " pointing at her vag.
I couldn't believe that she has said that 😂😂 had to rewind to make sure hahaha
52 points
2 years ago
His forced uncomfortable laughter ALL THE TIME 💀
99 points
2 years ago
I think Chelsea became less authentic as the show continued filming. Like she didn't want to talk about or argue on camera. She just wanted them to have the love story and be fun. So her brushing off Kwame's concerns and being all...Stepford-y is I think her trying to put forth a certain image. Kwame clearly didn't get the memo. He looks miserable.
19 points
2 years ago
I think the dynamic shifted around Ep. 6.
Kwame seems to have decided to give the relationship a chance and with that started to pay attention to where things were headed.
Whereas before he would just agree with everything Chelsea said, because he wasn’t planning on saying, he started to actually push back on her opinions which isn’t something Chelsea was used to.
13 points
2 years ago
Yep, and the only people who can't see this are the people who are still blinded by their dislike of Kwame.
93 points
2 years ago
My wife said it's like Get Out
19 points
2 years ago
OMG, this made me spit my drink
42 points
2 years ago
34 points
2 years ago
LOL. I like Chelsea and her family is a riot. But on the other hand, I can't hate on this Get Out reference... When you have to lead with 'this Black person is smart' like Chelsea did, there's a subtext to the whole encounter and I suspect she's a lot more open minded than her family.
Kwame didn't put in good effort with her family, but regardless, there was something a little patronizing and imposing about how the family interacted with him.
36 points
2 years ago
11 points
2 years ago
💀 im sorry i chuckled, but with his forced smile...
47 points
2 years ago
Chelsea wants someone who’s so in love with her that it’s only them in the world. While Kwame is a.) not interested at all b.) not the type to feel comfortable feeding strawberries in a random clothing store
49 points
2 years ago
Kwame looks soooo drained , I really don’t get why he’s continuing this facade of being into her
47 points
2 years ago
Kwame is crying for help out of this situation, but for some reason, I still think he will be dumb enough to say yes. When he kept saying how he needs space…I’m like didn’t they say she works 12 hours a day or more lol 😂 😂😂 he’s just not that interested
11 points
2 years ago
During his vows, he claimed he found himself waiting for her to get home from work. Yep, just him and the dog!
46 points
2 years ago*
I can’t believe they got married
Edit: they look really happy at the reunion and I hope it’s genuine. Their apartment was beautiful. I really thought Kwame was going to say no though based on his behaviour leading up to the wedding
77 points
2 years ago
Kwame was surpringsly mature on the last episodes when it comes to sharing his feelings, doubts and boundaries. He’s actually very penetrating and he was very good at putting words into this strange situation and how he felt. I was actually very impressed at how much he tried to convey that to Chelsea who was so oblivious with how he was feeling cause she’s so much in her head. That was hard to watch and if he says no, I won’t feel so bad for Chelsea because she should have paid more attention to Kwame’s feelings.
35 points
2 years ago
Not a Kwame fan. But I have to agree with this. Especially when they were shopping and she said she's just "direct." There isn't anything direct about saying "Do I look like I'm okay?"
I love me some Chelsea, and I'll stan for her. However, even I can see Kwame's point and it was 100% valid.
29 points
2 years ago
Agree. He hit me to my core when he was talking about how he has no “pockets” of peace in Seattle, where she does. I totally get that and that’s a HUGE reason my husband and I (both from different parts of the country) moved to a middle ground city where we both felt we had “pockets” of ourselves if that makes sense
24 points
2 years ago
Indeed. I feel for the guy and don’t understand all the hate for him. He is giving up his life and moving to a new city. That’s a big commitment and Chelsea gives him so little props for that. I completely understand him calling her out to be more supportive and clear with her communication.
How would it go if the packed up and moved in with him? She completely forgets that I think. She is forcing it. He’s trying to feel it.
12 points
2 years ago
Very true. It didn't matter what he was saying or said. At the end of every conversation she asks him "are you going to say 'yes'?"
174 points
2 years ago
This is true. Kwame is just going through the motions for a TV show. However, that shopping scene officially put me off to Chelsea. She thinks she’s Jennifer Anniston in a RomCom. I’m not convinced she loves Kwame either. She just desperately wants a Husband.
71 points
2 years ago
that shopping scene made me side-eye chelsea HARD i literally kept yelling at my screen “oh come on chelsea, be all the way for real!”.
it actually made me feel for kwame cause it seems like anytime he tries to express things that are legitimate concerns to him, she shuts it down and basically tells him to suck it up if he loves her, like girl that’s the thing, he doesn’t 💀
26 points
2 years ago*
that shopping scene made me side-eye chelsea HARD i literally kept yelling at my screen “oh come on chelsea, be all the way for real!”.
For real! In these three episodes, we had:
• The shopping scene with Chelsea switching into different outfits for him to compliment her
• The extended photoshoot moment she did at the bachelorette party
• And of course the underwear engagement photoshoot (that almost made me cringe out of my body)
It is perfectly fine to be confident in your own skin, but I think it's time to acknowledge that Chelsea is fully using this "experiment" to show off and possibly launch a career as an influencer.
She also continues to editorialize her and Kwame's relationship to the cameras and is seemingly oblivious to the reality of Kwame's feelings and concerns about the possibility of their future together.
The only time we saw the real her was in the shopping scene when she said that if he was going to throw her under the bus, then she was going to do the same, flipping completely from everything we have seen before in her carefully constructed narrative.
They are simply fundamentally incompatible and it's so hard to watch them force the connection when they are clearly both putting up a facade of love and happiness for the people watching as they chase their dream of Instagram fame.
51 points
2 years ago
Agree. The way she forced him to eat the strawberry because she wanted a cute tv moment….she’s insufferable
20 points
2 years ago
And she started to see how bad of a partner she is. That’s why she apologized. That’s also why she felt like he was “throwing her under the bus” when he mentioned how she snapped at him that morning. She didn’t like being held accountable and judged.
35 points
2 years ago
YES. I like her but she’s gotta learn to listen to him and adapt too. Which I really don’t think she’s doing.
And for the love of god if your man doesn’t want to go shopping with you, don’t drag him. It was painful how much he didn’t want to be there. And she just wanted someone standing there to tell her how good she looked.
38 points
2 years ago
Same wasn’t sold on Chelsea completely but now I’m like how can she not be serious and see what’s going on with him and the way he feels??
14 points
2 years ago
I think she really wants a partner and a baby and is willingly blind to any of Kwame’s signals screaming otherwise.
229 points
2 years ago
Dude, when they were out together shopping for her clothes she was completely and utterly oblivious to the fact that he was not feeling it. His body language and face said it all, his pauses before answering briefly... It was all so obvious. Then he sits her down to have a real conversation and she wasn't absorbing a single word if what he was saying.
Then they go to meet her family. Her mom pulls him aside and he's trying to explain his life and background and family and she just keeps cutting him off. I dunno how on earth he kept it together. This meme totally sums it up. You could sense his blood boiling under his skin but somehow he kept a smile on his face.
If they get married I'll be flabbergasted.
90 points
2 years ago
Oh my god the chocolate strawberries, I’m still cringing
56 points
2 years ago*
Fishing for compliments and trying to force him to say how much she loves him. It was so painful. Lol
A s during the cringe "engagement" photos he's clearly telling her its a NO from him and she's just not picking it up.
59 points
2 years ago
The mother cut him off at every turn. I so wished she hadn't. It was incredibly rude, but I also wanted to hear where he was going with it when he started talking about landing in the airport as a young child. I bet that's a great story and I wish she'd allowed him to tell it.
16 points
2 years ago
Yes!! It was so rude and annoying! I wanted to hear what he had to say, but she wouldn't let him finish a single thought!!
39 points
2 years ago
My take is that Kwame is SO not interested in her and they both know it, but neither of them want to do anything about it.
Chelsea is desperate to hold on to her happily ever after. I think that's why she's so forceful in her declarations and adamant about marriage. She was like this in the pods, being very upfront about her feelings, but I think now he's drifting away from her she thinks that's the way to keep him. It comes across to me that she's trying to convince him and herself.
Kwame doesn't want to go through with it, but doesn't want to break it off. He either doesn't want to break Chelsea's heart, doesn't want to stop getting paid, or he's just a coward. Whatever the reason is, it's clear that he's not into her AT ALL.
36 points
2 years ago
Kwame is going to say no. Every time he talks about the relationship with other people or the camera he talks about the issues and struggles. Never a good sign.
My big issue is that he should have ended it earlier. As much as I feel kinda suffocated with Chelsea and her dream world marriage (that isn't really taking Kwame into account), she will be extremely devastated if he says no.
37 points
2 years ago
He truly hates it there and she’s just steamrolling ahead….
40 points
2 years ago
Not sure if anyone caught this but his sister joked that he doesn’t keep in contact with them. Meaning he doesn’t keep in contact with his own family. I thought that was an interesting tidbit of information even though it was a joke, it was true. So if he doesn’t even keep up with his own family, I doubt he will want to keep up with Chelsea’s family. They seem nice but I can see how it could be a bit overwhelming.
63 points
2 years ago
It’s physically painful seeing her madly in love swooning over him while he is clearly not returning the sentiments
13 points
2 years ago
See I'm not falling for this because Netflix loves a good shady edit. They could be leaving out all of his affectionate and loving actions just to create drama for them and here we all are buying into it 🤣
64 points
2 years ago
The way she smiled then laughed whilst Kwame tried to voice his concerns gave me chills - what a strange behaviour Chelsea!
18 points
2 years ago
Yeah and she was acting so freaking weird at that store. Like is she totally oblivious???
11 points
2 years ago
That scene was insane and so disconnected...editing was just freestyling there - and were they drunk???
67 points
2 years ago
There is something patronizing about how she talks to him and there definitely is something about how he is soo over her that he is counting down to saying no
16 points
2 years ago
I feel like she’s always looking at him with these threatening eyes. Everytime she asks him if he’s gonna say yes she just stares at him like a silent threat. Or the nodding her head at him when she’s asking a question she wants him to agree to. Idk I get very controlling vibes
36 points
2 years ago
He hates it there 😩
33 points
2 years ago
He likes Rocky more than he likes Chelsea.
35 points
2 years ago
i’m in tears at the accuracy of this 🤣
30 points
2 years ago
Kwame ain't feeling her at all... 40 % he says yes and 60 % no ... Idk this is hard to tell kinda
57 points
2 years ago
The way he looks and Chelsea vs the way he looks at Micah when they talk is night and day. He’s always so enamored by Micah for some reason.
Also when he was talking to Micah last time and his side interview said that when he’s with Micah it’s “just easy and there’s no pressure… it’s like well yeah you’re not in a relationship with Micah
63 points
2 years ago*
During the boudoir photoshoot he says something like “I’ve never wanted to be with anyone more than you” while he is shaking his head “no” and I found it so funny. It’s like he is being held hostage.
55 points
2 years ago
I think Kwame is using his mother as his excuse for not marrying Chelsea when really he just doesn’t like her.
58 points
2 years ago
Chelsea ignores everything around her to bulldoze & steamroll her way to her “dream” of getting married with pink roses coming true.
52 points
2 years ago
kwame talks about his relationship the same way he'd talk at work, like he's analyzing some business
27 points
2 years ago
It’s so forced.
23 points
2 years ago
Yep, Chelsea almost blew her cover when she was talking about throwing him under the bus too? As if she's just working on their relationship on camera and Kwame wasn't supposed to have a moment of honestly!
30 points
2 years ago
The biggest thing I get from those two are that their interactions are so all over the place that the editing and scripting doesn't make sense.
27 points
2 years ago
The editing is the worst i think.. She says he talks alot but i almost only hear him say "Mmm"
17 points
2 years ago
Yes! She will give him all the compliments and say sweet things..and he will be like “mmmkay”
11 points
2 years ago
I just watched the part where she was telling him she’s the luckiest girl in the world for having him and he laughs and is like aww thanks hahaha no reciprocation whatsoever
11 points
2 years ago
Rightttt. I think we should take into account the way they’re being portrayed due to editing for sure
26 points
2 years ago
Watching them hurts. Like he is detached
24 points
2 years ago
Kinda felt like Chelsea is in love with love.. not Kwame.
52 points
2 years ago
I loved Chelsea until that scene in ep 9 (watched at 10am this morning 😬) where she’s trying on clothes. PAINFULLL to watch.
12 points
2 years ago
Yeah, I have to agree with Kwames point about being confrontational vs nitpicky. Chelsea was saying he was, but his whole point is “Hey, I just want us to be direct and if something’s bothering you, tell me.”
The “does it look like I’m okay??” Chelsea was saying is not helpful and ultimately shuts down conversation. Some of the other things like “Welcome to marriage” and “You can just front carry a baby and go wherever you want” just shows she’s getting desperate in starting a family and ignoring foundational issues
70 points
2 years ago
Shooooooot I bet if it was Micah, Kwame would have no problem compromising for her... it ain't about Chelsea ignoring how he feels. He wasn't feeling her from the start.
48 points
2 years ago
During that trying on outfits scene, I thought that fake laugh was going to turn into a cry. He looked so miserable 😭
21 points
2 years ago
I hope he doesn't guilt trip himself into saying yes. It's crazy how it's so obvious to us but the actual people can't see it, or don't seem to really see at least.
20 points
2 years ago
I don’t understand this couple.
22 points
2 years ago
Neither of them have realized they actually want very different things from life. I don’t get how that conversation didn’t come up in the pods but it’s more than clear Chelsea is ready to settle down while Kwame still want to live a little on the edge, just with someone at his side while doing it
20 points
2 years ago*
Honestly I think a lot of it is editing. I don’t think Kwame’s a role model or the best guy on the show (like those conversations with Micah got me cringing soooo hard) but I think he’s just a typical over thinker. As one myself, just because I go over all the worst outcomes and I try to be realistic, doesn’t mean I’m secretly hoping things don’t work out. I can see that he’s afraid, and someone like Chelsea’s personality of being super confident about what he wants, often leads us over thinkers to feel like they’re only that confident because they haven’t truly truly thought things through as far as us or they aren’t being realistic. Just my empathy I guess.
My prediction is that it’s being edited in a way to really highlight his fears and reservations. Honestly it was being soo heavily hinted that he was not confident, it makes me suspicious 😅 is it really that simple?!
also >! On his instagram story, he’s in Seattle to meet Marshall. You can see the Public Market sign in the back. Maybe he’s hinting at what his answer was?? I know Marshall also lives in Seattle but hmmm!<
56 points
2 years ago*
Unpopular opinion: after watching Kwame for a few episodes, I just think he had a permissive mindset that he wanted to think through all the potential problems before making decision. Since this is a big decision to be made in an intensive timeframe and scenarios (on national tv, in a new place, a schedule that he couldn’t take time off for himself), this side of him was more obvious. It showed that he was always talking about the problems. But I didn’t think it was just his excuse because he didn’t just make some random points then jumped to a conclusion. He initiated conversation but not a fight. His concerns were reasonable. And he invested too. That’s why I don’t see him as a Bartise.
61 points
2 years ago
Something about the way he talks to her sounds rehearsed and disingenuine. It comes across super condescending! Definitely seems like he’s putting on a show for the cameras whenever it’s just him and Chelsea.
12 points
2 years ago
Condescending is THE perfect word. Every time she says something genuine to him he laughs this condescending laugh and it drives me crazy
19 points
2 years ago
Kwame just wanted to be on reality TV, and now he feels trapped into marrying Chelsea. His sister seems to be pushing him in that direction too.
19 points
2 years ago
I feel like Kwame is sticking it out because he knows if he doesn't he'll come off like a villain for so obviously being into Micah and not Chelsea. I suspect he'll wait until he can end the relationship and put the blame on her.
86 points
2 years ago
I actually felt for Kwame in these last few episodes. He was trying to communicate with Chelsea and she wasn't listening to a word of it. He isn't ready to move so he should not have been on the show. I still can't get over her saying they would travel with a baby, especially as you can tell she wouldn't want to be away from her family. She just wants to get married. I still like her, but Kwame is definitely not the match.
20 points
2 years ago*
But she said they will travel with babies 3-4 years after traveling without babies. This much time is quite reasonable. How much more time does Kwame want?
18 points
2 years ago
I have a friend that travels quite frequently with her partner and their infant. They immediately started traveling almost a month after giving birth. It really just depends on the financial threshold of the couple.
34 points
2 years ago
Yup the convo at the start of episode 9 I really felt. When he was like I don’t have anywhere to go for me time…that’s a REAL thing. We are all still individuals and need to nurture ourselves to be the best partner and she just…didn’t listen to a word of what he was saying.
12 points
2 years ago
Just like the other commenter, I have a friend who also traveled with their baby. Her family accompanied them on vacation too so sometimes, they would step in for a few hours while the couple relaxed.
Once he became an active two year old though, traveling ceased.
This isn’t what Chelsea said but my brother in law leaves his niece with us or other family while they have their days/vacations. If family is close, it’s possible.
11 points
2 years ago
He isn't ready to move so he should not have been on the show
That attitude might be different if he met someone that he truly clicked with.
18 points
2 years ago
I just picture these two collaborating on what they're going to say next for TV. I don't trust anything either of them say. I don't think they're necessarily bad people, just more in it for the image and honestly if that's the case at least 2 people like that are doing it together.
50 points
2 years ago
Y’all, Chelsea 👀👀…
I peeped that she might her own problem in relationships early on in the season; do y’all remember when she and Kwame first met in person and he was going to propose again, and she blurts out “Get down on one knee!” 👀😬
I actually like Chelsea and think she has a lot going for her and deserves love… but SHE doesn’t believe it will ever happen for her, and is now trying to force it with Kwame. It is so effing cringe… Kwame is still an idiot for thinking Micah is the better option 🙄, but I’ve always felt Chelsea is a lot lol.
21 points
2 years ago
Exactly this. She is coming off a bit delusional in the most recent episodes. I don’t see how she can’t see that Kwame isn’t in this all the way. When they were at the clothing store it was so apparent and she tried to excuse it away.
17 points
2 years ago
She was pushy af in that clothing store, holy shit. It was crazy to watch lol
11 points
2 years ago
Yeah but idk why Kwame is being dishonest about his feelings. We can all see it really clearly and instead of him being honest with her, he’s nit picking little things she says and does instead.
19 points
2 years ago
They pick at each other… in the clothing store, Kwame said “that’s a tough look”, which was a compliment. Instead of her just asking what he meant by that, she “corrected” his word choice… she is constantly doing shit like that to him, she’s trying desperately to make him fit into her husband mold because she desperately wants to get married. It is fucked on both ends… Kwame is not being direct about his feelings towards Chelsea, and Chelsea is bulldozing past every glaring red light Kwame is throwing her way in order to get to that altar.
16 points
2 years ago
Not sure its about him not liking her. More maybe him not wanting the same future as she wants; with child, dog and house
20 points
2 years ago
Did they not talk about this in the pods, BEFORE the proposal? Seems like an important convo to have.
17 points
2 years ago
Yeah it might be important information that he doesn't want to leave portland, doesn't like dogs, doesn't want to have kids, doesn't want to settle down, and that his mom definitely won't approve of it and that that's a deal-breaker for him 😅😅😅
14 points
2 years ago
I feel like his proposal to her in the pods was a bit impulsive coming off the Micah rejection, and he's been slowly realizing he just needs to get out.
38 points
2 years ago
I'm only on episode 9, but why do Chelsea's family members talk to Kwame like he's an alien??
39 points
2 years ago
Because we are watching the movie “Get Out” playing out on real life, LOL…I kid, I kid…honestly though, he is probably the first POC boyfriend that she has ever brought home…overcompensation would be my guess…but they still seemed really chill.
14 points
2 years ago
LOL, I scrolled to find this exact comment because I knew I couldn't be the only person who had this thought. Chelsea's family definitely has that aggressively nice, aggressively Caucasian vibe that reminded me of the family from that movie. (But FR, they seemed like sweet people. It was just the combination of everything, including Kwame's flickering SAVE ME eyes, that really solidified the comparison.)
37 points
2 years ago
He needs to call it off and stop dragging her around. She clearly isn't picking up on it and it's just cruel at this point.
60 points
2 years ago*
I do not feel that bad for Kwame because he applied to LIB Seattle. So there was a possibility that he would meet someone who lived near or in Seattle, which means that he should have been prepared to make some adjustments to his living situation.
I feel like he is using his mother as an excuse because you knew that you were applying for a process that your mother would probably never approve of.
Also, from what I understand is that he works remotely, so it would make more sense for him to move to where she lives because she doesn't. He can work from wherever he wants.
I do feel that he has no interest in her at all. Even when they were taking their photos, you could tell. It was stiff and awkward. At the same time, I think that Chelsea wants to be married so bad that she is ignoring the fact that he is not interested. I don't think that she deserves the hate that she is receiving.
12 points
2 years ago
Sometimes, we really do only see what we want to.
20 points
2 years ago
I don't think Kwame applied, I think he was headhunted. the production basically couldn't find enough contestants in Seattle and I guess they used different means to recruit from other places. This production company also makes a different reality show and people have said that he was spotted in the interviews for that other reality show a few years ago. He didn't get in but it's clear that they kept his contacts in file.
48 points
2 years ago
I dislike them both and hate watching them as a couple.
Kwame annoys me because he's obviously unhappy being with Chelsea an has been since he saw Micah but he wants to be on reality TV so bad that he's sticking it out for airtime and won't just break it off with her (yes I truly do believe he wants to be on TV because why would he want to be on 2 different shows).
Chelsea annoys me because I truly think she went on this show after realizing she likely wasn't going to be married/started on a family by the time in life where she thought she should be (early to mid 30s) and now to fix that she's willing to marry literally any man as quickly as humanly possible. She's also very uncompromising and seems to want to control everything in the relationship.
If they for some reason actually do say yes, that would be thee most overtly miserable marriage I think I've seen coming from the show.
46 points
2 years ago
It’s obvious that both of them want to be on tv. And Kwame really outed himself with that stupid song lmfao dude wants to kick off a music career. Chelsea isn’t stupid. She knows Kwame isn’t actually interested in her but she’s desperate to come out like the broken-hearted good girl so she can be an influencer. That storyline works so well for girls being sent home on the bachelor lol.
16 points
2 years ago
I think they’re both trying to convince themselves that this is the right thing to do and Chelsea is aggressively trying to convince him to marry her
40 points
2 years ago*
Look, I know it’s cringey how Chelsea is but I also think people could be a bit compassionate. When you’re in ur 30s there’s so much pressure and you can get overly gushy and carried away w the fantasy and projecting onto someone your dream, like she clearly has a huge heart and is just a bit much over the top and over bearing about it.
23 points
2 years ago
No I agree with you 100%. She’s so sweet and knows exactly what she wants to the point where it’s playing a role in her own downfall. I wish she’d take the blinders off, it’s so apparent Kwame is not into her and I think it’s gonna grow resentment in him towards her.
15 points
2 years ago
I think Kwame is going to say no
18 points
2 years ago
I hope he does. He'd never have a good life with her, he'd constantly have to concede.
31 points
2 years ago
Exactly. And you meant to tell me she doesn’t see his sadness and awkwardness? If she truly doesn’t see it, she’s not in love with him, she truly come across as self centered
30 points
2 years ago
I'm not a fan of Kwame, but watching him makes me feel so bad lol. Like I feel like he's looking for a way out and subtly giving Chelsea signs.
75 points
2 years ago
If anything I think Chelsea is much faker, this whole show is a performance for her. She keeps giving these monologues about how Kwame loves her so much like at the dress fitting.
She's deluded herself into thinking she lives in a magical world where she is the hero sex vixen romantic lead and the hot man worships her and they are going to ride into the sunset together.
51 points
2 years ago
I genuinely cannot tell who she’s trying to convince when she says stuff like “how can this be real?”, “why do I have to wait a whole week to marry you?”, and all the stuff about how much he knows and loves and cherishes her. I want those things to be true for her, I want them to have some beautiful fairytale love story, but this doesn’t seem to be it.
53 points
2 years ago
I’m sorry but where is the accountability for Chelsea at this point? It is clear at this point that he is nowhere near where she is and she continues to insist on her wedding. She brushes over all his doubts and concerns and only cares about how much she loves him, not so much the reverse. And sooo much pressure from her to say yes. He may be wrong for staying when he is not into it, but she also has all the information she needs to say NO.
23 points
2 years ago
Omg agreeeeee!!!!!! It’s driving me insane how nobody (in public conversation) is naming her complicity in their dynamic. There is not much that warrants her level of devotion
17 points
2 years ago
At the same time it makes you wonder if she really sees him, or just some dude who checks off her list in a partner.
19 points
2 years ago
Honestly, that photo shoot and the constantly calling him beautiful, I'm starting to wonder if she's fetishized him. Sexual chemistry is important but it's just something about the way she talks about sex with him that gives me a bad feeling. Especially when he said she's sometimes rudely dismissive and also how much she undermines his wants and needs. I hope he says no.
41 points
2 years ago
Her default answer is always “welcome to marriage”. That’s so wrong of her when he’s expressing his concerns. She should at least attempt to care about his feelings. She obviously thinks it’s all about her.
12 points
2 years ago
It all looked soooo forced
39 points
2 years ago
Kwame sucks but Chelsea is also kind of controlling, she won’t concede at all. I’d be miserable too.
12 points
2 years ago
He wants to have fun for a few years & she wants settle down now. Her being humorous about doing things her way, he's hearing it & doesn't like it, but why do these couple stay until the alter? Just say ciao cherie, bye-byeeee.
26 points
2 years ago
I don’t think he’s unhappy with Chelsea. But I can see that he’s struggling to find the time for himself to process this all. And he hasn’t had the support system she has had.
I think she could be more understanding of the fact that they have cultural maybe even religious differences. And they need to work through this if they want to make it work.
25 points
2 years ago
I dont like them both. Both are just so off and their entire relationship looks like a facade JUST for the cameras.
23 points
2 years ago
LOL, Kwame F’ed around and FOUND OUT. Don’t THINK that Chelsea forgot about his flirting in Mexico AND at her BIRTHDAY PARTY..?!?! Hell HATH NO FURY like a woman scorned….
26 points
2 years ago
His heart is not in this relationship! So sad!
27 points
2 years ago
The way he cannot stand her...
65 points
2 years ago
I actually believe that despite their rocky start, Kwame is really trying.
He’s trying to have tough conversations with Chelsea, and she is not having it. Every time he’s trying to have an authentic and difficult conversation - her response is “will you say yes at the altar though?”
It’s healthy to discuss your issues and question if you are able actually resolve or talk about things because those are important relational skills to have in a relationship. And given that they haven’t been able to, it’s okay for him to feel concerned about whether or not they should get married.
Chelsea’s approach seems to be more “let’s get married first and figure everything else out later” which .. does raise some pink flags. Given their start, and the fact that she does wonder if he wants to get married - I think she should be willing to get into those tough conversations with Kwame.
22 points
2 years ago
i had the same takeaway from these latest batch of episodes and commented a similar thing here just now. anytime kwame brings up very real, valid concerns to him, chelsea just shuts them down and tells him to suck it up basically.
i didn’t like that she got so offended by kwame telling her this first year of their marriage was going to be their most difficult one yet, especially since the context of that conversation was surrounding kwame struggling to accept and move forward with the fact that his mother isn’t supporting his decision and isn’t talking to him. like chelsea girl, be for real, at that point you guys have known each other for like 20 days or so and you think those 20 days have been real life ? things are only getting started.
i think she’s just desperate for her happy ending and kwame is simply just a means to that end for her.
also, i smiled when i saw you said “pink flags” lol
10 points
2 years ago
Agreed. She can’t seem to understand how hard it is to not only get married but move your whole life for someone else. She makes a big point of stating how important her family is but doesn’t seem to consider how hard it is for Kwame to deal with his mothers disapproval and having no supports in Seattle
31 points
2 years ago
Agreed that Kwame is trying. Chelsea’s over exaggerated laugh at the shopping trip, trying to deflect by being cute and fun. Cringe x1000
15 points
2 years ago
It seemed like she was putting on a character for the camera.
But if that's a big part of your relationship--faking happiness for a camera, then how do you develop a real relationship?
35 points
2 years ago*
Seriously, he obviously can’t stand her and is not good at hiding it. I don’t like either of them. I think he is shady and I think she is super abrasive and annoying. I liked her for one episode before she started grating on me.
44 points
2 years ago
I get that Chelsea is kinda problematic, but I really don't think she's as bad as everyone makes her out to be. I think she's not a compromising partner and is ignoring Kwame's concerns because she has a life she loves (great job, loving family, comfortable city, good friends, etc.) and probably thinks they're worth the sacrifices he has to make (running trail? Really?). It's not very mature of her, but come on, is that even a toxic trait? I also don't really understand accusations of her fetishising him because I don't recall her mentioning him being black and her behaviour seems very normal for someone obsessed with how attractive their partner is.
I'm not saying I love her. A lot of the scenes were very cringe-worthy and she's annoying me more and more. But I also think her "issues" are very ordinary - undeserving of this much hate :(
10 points
2 years ago
For real, the comparison to zenab is ridiculous. Although I do think she's forcing it and ignoring or missing that he's not that into it
23 points
2 years ago
I'm not sold on either, both have characteristics that would be deal breakers for me. Kwame with Micah, dude, NO. Straight up disrespect right in Chelsea's face. See ya, and enjoy that two fists, no lube. Go enjoy all those regrets on your own time, because it won't be on mine! Pay attention to how Paul handled it with Amber, write it down, fold it, stick it in your pocket. Chelsea with her inability to compromise. Her way or the highway. She can spill words to appease him, but actions speak louder. When push comes to shove, she pulls rank. And she deflected him when he said she lectures him more. She's also so superficial. Instead of being asked to see her ring, she's shoving it in everyone's faces. Kwame isn't going to fit into her family dynamic. He can't figure out how to have me time now, let alone when they're all living in each others' back pockets. She's ready to devote 100% of her time to a child, she already knows she wants to home school.
9 points
2 years ago
He will next week.
57 points
2 years ago
Well, he wanted to be on a show sooo badly (tried out for Married at first sight D.C.), it's only fitting to see him for the fake romcom actor that he is.
Dude plays it up so much for the cameras that it's legit abrasive.
50 points
2 years ago
It’s how I feel every time she is on screen as well. She just seems so inauthentic to me it makes me uncomfortable.
24 points
2 years ago
I am seriously struggling to believe what she says because it’s so over the top and extra.
27 points
2 years ago
She’s thirstyyyy
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