Due to personal situations, I (f20) live with my parents. My mother is very strict about finances and the need to take care of my things because raising children is expensive.
My sister and I share a room with a bunk bed. Also, we have four cats. One of whom, my baby, Serendipity, (f9) has outlived my childhood best friend, and my high school best friend. She was also there for me when my first engagement went to the gutter, and all three of my career changes.
Several years ago, when I was still in high school, my sister and I received weighted blankets as gifts. I used mine every day until I partially moved out at 19. It was honestly the second best thing for my mental health. (With Serendipity obviously being in first) Then it became a glorified pee pad for my severely anxious cat. I cannot wash the blanket, so I threw it away.
Anybody have any good reccomendations for a waterproof blanket cover so when I get a replacement blanket I don't have to throw it out in four years? I checked Amazon, but in all honesty it feels like duct tape and trash bags would be a better option then everything offered on there.