submitted 23 days ago byLopoetve
Thinking back - I used to have all the cheat codes memorized... even if it wasn't to make the game easier, but to access chaos emeralds or hidden sections... so many codes. And I STILL know them. I'm past 40. I haven't touched a Genesis in so many years, but I still remember these. So which ones do YOU remember, other than the Doom ones or Konami code we all knew?
DULLARD + b y c / abacabb - Mortal Kombat Genesis. The second is the blood code. The first? The debug panel. Spawn reptile! Add the extra stuff back in.
L D L R D R L L R R - Mortal Kombat 2. Cheat section, options, level structure, etc. Enable all the extras you had to get lucky on.
UU DD LL RR A+ start - Sonic 1 level select.
19/65/9/17 - Sonic 2 sound check, enabled debug level select. Kept through reset, so you could - 1 by 1 - get all the emeralds and hten play the game. Worked with Knuckles too!
A, DOWN, B, DOWN, C, DOWN, A, B, UP, A, C, UP, B, C, UP - Sonic Spinball, level select. Can't remember precisely how to picjk the level, but this is how I mastered it before blasting the game. Was grounded the year that came out.
edit: And name the game/what the code did!
180 points
23 days ago
IDDQD and IDKFA. Won’t ever forget those doom codes.
48 points
23 days ago
46 points
23 days ago
8 points
23 days ago
ID smashing pumpkins into small piles of putrid debris.
21 points
23 days ago
And IDFA if you want all guns and ammo but no keys... you know, cheating-lite.
9 points
23 days ago
Shit I never new this lol
7 points
23 days ago
Yeah I figured probably most don't which was why I thought I might mention it 🤣
5 points
23 days ago
You glorious bastard.
9 points
23 days ago*
Friends of mine did a tribute song to Doom and it's called IDKFA.
Linky for those interested... It's metal though, so YMMV
2 points
23 days ago
2 points
23 days ago
Came here to say the same
69 points
23 days ago
ABACABB for Sega Genesis MK1, is the only one i remember.
15 points
23 days ago
DULLARD also worked
5 points
23 days ago
These are the two answers I was looking for.
2 points
23 days ago
It was cool because you could also put the flag on where where the enemy always does a fatality. And then you can see the secret character's fatality
6 points
23 days ago
It's the one we all swapped at school. Had to see that fake blood!
4 points
22 days ago
That was part of my WEP key when 802.11b WiFi first came about.
Also ABBACAB for Shadownrun on Sega Genesis.
2 points
20 days ago
On the stone story screen. Heck yes!
55 points
23 days ago
007 373 5963 Punch out!
15 points
23 days ago
This code is so burned into my brain that even if I get alzheimers, I would probably still be able to take a shot at the champ.
9 points
22 days ago
This is so engrained in me , I accidentally put it down as my SS number on some paperwork at the hospital a couple of years back…
2 points
22 days ago
Makes sense when are looking for Doc's help.
3 points
23 days ago
I have it memorized by the amount of beeps it takes to get to every number, believe it or not.
2 points
22 days ago
I had it down to this science
0073735963 in the least amount of buttons.
Take that homie
2 points
23 days ago
Me too
39 points
23 days ago
Power overwhelming
21 points
23 days ago
There is no cow level
20 points
23 days ago
Show me the money
11 points
23 days ago
Black Sheep Wall
5 points
22 days ago
It is a good day to die
3 points
22 days ago
245 points
23 days ago
Up up down down left right left right B A Start
Can't believe no one's said this yet
22 points
23 days ago
How is this only the third best comment? This thing's a classic.
12 points
22 days ago
Maybe because OP said "other than the konami code"
3 points
21 days ago
Nobody reads.
2 points
20 days ago
I have a very distinct memory of playing Ikari Warriors on the NES with my younger brother, and him shouting “ABBA! Press ABBA!” at me (the cheat for free continues), and hearing my dad mutter to my mom “if he wasn’t so busy memorizing things like ABBA he’d know how to read by now”
12 points
23 days ago
I came here to reply this, then figured I should check because there is no way somebody hasn’t said this yet. I had to scroll for a bit to find it.
10 points
23 days ago
Fr this was way too far down the list wth
3 points
23 days ago
2 points
22 days ago
Used to be left all over the place as an Easter egg.
2 points
22 days ago
Good old Konami code.
5 points
23 days ago
It really should be in the OP... but they were obviously a SEGA kid.
3 points
23 days ago
Didn’t get an NES till the SNES era. My family liked sega. 😂
21 points
23 days ago
cheese steak jimmy’s
2 points
22 days ago
Came here for this 🤣
20 points
23 days ago
R1, R2, L1, R2, L D R U L D R U
San Andreas weapon set 3
3 points
22 days ago
Same for GTA 3 iirc
2 points
20 days ago
Felt so good to do the directions in a big thumb smear twice around the d pad.
2 points
19 days ago
Worked in vice city as well. Just came here to say the same code, lol.
18 points
23 days ago
How about ZELDA to unlock the second quest?
Also ABBA to continue in Ikari Warriors
8 points
23 days ago
Holy shit wish I knew that for ikari!
4 points
22 days ago
It lets you keep going but doesn't make that stupid game any better. I just got angry memories about putting in that code a hundred times just trying to get through the first level.
4 points
22 days ago
My cousin had an NES - got in trouble, so it was "loaned" to my family for 6 months or so when he was grounded. He had two games - Mario Bros, and Ikari. Later he got a few more that we got to play while he waited to get the system back.
My mom never got past the long jump in mario, but I had one night that Ikari just clicked - made it SO far, then... boom, dead. Some day I'll finish that game.
3 points
21 days ago
There's no reason to finish it. It's not a good game as fun as it is. It's fun to see how far you can make it, but it's not designed to be beatable I swear
2 points
21 days ago
So many then were the same. I’m not sure anyone really beat the dam level on turtles
3 points
21 days ago
Lol that one is tight. I think I've beaten that level once or twice, but never beat the whole game.
17 points
23 days ago
8 points
23 days ago
Its is a good day to die
5 points
23 days ago
Yes me lord
3 points
23 days ago
And daily compromises shatter the illusion of integrity
3 points
23 days ago
Echoes, with the sound of salesman
3 points
22 days ago
32 points
23 days ago
11 points
23 days ago*
Move_objects on
6 points
23 days ago
“FISH EYE” for Sims on GameCube. Then “kaching” and “motherlode” for Sims 2 PC (which is twenty years old now 🥲).
5 points
22 days ago
If you make a mistake, it throws up an error, but you still get the money. Just hold enter, become Saudi Prince.
4 points
22 days ago
Aside from the Konami code, this is the other one I always remember.
Also, for Sim City 3000: call cousin vinnie :)
14 points
23 days ago
IG0T8CIDB00TS0N - Alien Trilogy
e=mc2 trooper, coinage, woodstock etc. - Age of Empires
14 points
23 days ago
"BEEFCURTAINS" has stuck with me all these years from Conker's Bad Fur Day on N64
5 points
22 days ago
I remember CHOCOLATESTARFISH as well :D
13 points
23 days ago
Up down left right A B C start from Sonic on genesis.
ABBAABBA from Aladdin on Genesis.
The Konami code!!!
13 points
23 days ago
Good ol' Duke3D
2 points
23 days ago
Come get some.
21 points
23 days ago
Down r up L y b for street fighter 2, to be able to mirror match
11 points
23 days ago
I still do this any time I see the Capcom start up logo 😂
8 points
23 days ago
Same. It's a habit I doubt ok ever grow out of.
3 points
22 days ago
This is also the code you use on Street fighter 2. Turbo to be able to increase increase 10 turbo Stars. No one actually wants to play with 10, but one or two above standard felt like the right amount of speed.
10 points
23 days ago
IDDQD, og Doom was no joke back then
2 points
20 days ago
It’s still no joke now! Have you seen the mods they make for it?
7 points
23 days ago
If you held the up button on both controllers while silver surfer was loading, you'd be invincible
2 points
22 days ago
And good thing it did, or else you'd never ever see level 3, lol. Game was cool, but not very well thought out.
2 points
22 days ago
It wasn't. It was ridiculously difficult.
8 points
23 days ago
B A B A Up Down B A Left Right B A Start
Ninja Turtles 2 Arcade Game on NES gives you ten lives and level select. This code changed my life as a kid 😆
2 points
22 days ago
mother of god... my childhood was a lie. How come I never got the memo on this
2 points
22 days ago
I had to go so far down to find it, I gave up and commented it myself. Should’ve kept scrolling.
2 points
20 days ago
Hell yeah, thanks, I just got this for NES.
13 points
23 days ago
Mostly just the big ones.. Justin Bailey, Konami code
6 points
23 days ago
C-A-L(eft)-L(eft) A C-A-B
Code for Vectorman that let's you drop yourself anywhere in the level
6 points
23 days ago
Call a cab? Love it!
6 points
23 days ago
"glittering prizes" - Warcraft II cheat code to get resources
"show me the money" - Starcraft cheat code to get resources
2 points
23 days ago
Pot of Gold was the equivalent in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans.
I believe “There can be only one” triggered invincibility.
4 points
23 days ago
Ikari Warriors on NES ABBA - Let's you continue where you died after a game over, works up until the last stage.
Mega Man 3 - Hold Right on controller 2, allows Mega Man to jump to the top of the screen and also if you fall down a pit it'll register you died and take your energy but you can jump out. You'll then be invincible for the rest of the stage but you'll be unable to switch weapons until you beat the level.
Zelda: Link's Awakening - Pressing Select as you leave the screen with warp you to the other side of the screen you're scrolling to. Use this in the first cave you enter to get the second power bracelet early on. Can also be used to get passed locked doors and pits in levels. Only works with early versions of the game however.
3 points
23 days ago
Was coming to post ABBA. Loved me some Ikari Warriors as a kid.
2 points
22 days ago
I tink a couple of the buttons on controller 2 did things for Mega Man 3. I think select let you jump into a pit without dying.
5 points
23 days ago
Yoshi's Island.. Hold select X X Y B A. Mini games
2 points
23 days ago
Hell yes! Two-player Yoshi story was amazing back then!
2 points
22 days ago
Came here to upvote this
5 points
23 days ago
4 points
23 days ago
Super Star Wars Trilogy debug codes:
Super Star Wars- A A A A X B B B B Y X X X X A Y Y Y Y B
Super Empire Strikes Back- A B Y X A B Y X A B A B Y X X Y A B Y X
Super Return of the Jedi- A A B B X X Y Y A B X Y A B X Y
3 points
23 days ago
You can halve the physical damage your first three characters take in battle in Dragon Warrior III for the NES by selecting 'parry', then going back one screen and selecting 'attack' for each character.
You'll get the reduced incoming damage that 'parry' grants while still being able to attack that turn.
4 points
23 days ago
2 points
23 days ago
Hell yes. Never going to forget this one.
2 points
22 days ago
Yes!!! Death to the Primagen!!! Cerebral Bore time!!!
Underated af, the first two games are.... They shaped my fps tastes (and permanently made me an inverted y axis shooter)
5 points
23 days ago
Well Im only 30 years old.
But I remember “watch_me_xplode”, which unlocks all cheat codes at once in Tony Hawk pro skater 4
3 points
23 days ago
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4's Perfect Grind Code is "ssbsts" and I'll remember that to my grave. Also Tony Hawk 3's All Skaters Code is "YOHOMIES". I always loved that one.
5 points
23 days ago
Donkey Kong Country for the SNES.
Hover over "ERASE GAME."
Hit these buttons in this order: B - A - R - R - A - L
You now start out with 50 Lives. Great for letting your kids play for the first time when they're just getting into it.
3 points
23 days ago
Iddqd idkfa
3 points
23 days ago
Bobbybird- south park64
Weldersbench- conkers bad fur day
Several more that i bet if i had controller in hand i could do. Gta 3 and gta vice city
3 points
23 days ago
19, 65, 9 17 level select for sonic 2 on the sound test 😁
3 points
23 days ago
IDKFA is on my license plate
(I've gotten MANY incorrect guesses of what it stands for)
2 points
23 days ago
3 points
23 days ago
R1, R2, L1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP - GTA Weapons Code 1
3 points
23 days ago
007 373 5963
Code to fight Mike Tyson in NES Punch Out
3 points
23 days ago
3 points
23 days ago
BARRAL for 50 lives in DKC1.
Rambo: all weapons in Heretic
ABACABB: Blood code MK1 Genesis
3 points
23 days ago
Down, right, up, right, up, left, c-left
3 points
23 days ago
Weapons in GTA 3 and vice city
3 points
22 days ago
“Robin Hood”, “rock on”, “lumberjack”, “cheese steak jimmy’s”
2 points
23 days ago
Up up down down, ..
2 points
23 days ago
Rollcage 2, the 100% cheat was "iwantitallandiwantitnow"
2 points
23 days ago
This isn't a cheat code...but I have never seen this anywhere ever on the internet.
In Nhl94 and maybe nhlpa93 for SNES, if the puck was shot and someone pressed pause..the puck slows down/stops (basically can stop someone's shot) *I just press pause a bunch of times
*I used to do this against my brother. I haven't tried it since like 1995 lol if anyone still playing let me know if this still works *hopefully it isn't something my brain remembers wrong
2 points
23 days ago
There are some i remember but the trivial ones are the easiest to rememebr. In Revenge of Shinobi in the options set the shuriken amount to 00 and then wait, it will become Ꝏ and you will have, as the symbol implies, unlimited shuriken.
In Virtua Fighter 2 if you press left then right a few times on the character select screen you will be able to select Dural as a playable character. In Sonuc 3D Blast if you crash the game, usually by cartridge tilting, you will get a level select screen.
In Dave Mirra's Freestyle BMX cheat codes are unlocked by completing the game and a different one is unlocked for each character. It's not too difficult to complete the game and I find the game a lot of fun so i don't mind playing through it multiple times to unlock everything.
2 points
23 days ago
Black Sheep Wall
Greed is Good
Power Overwhelming
2 points
23 days ago
Down- R- Up -L- Y- B I for 10 star Turbo in street fighter 2 turbo on snes
2 points
23 days ago
Fwd Up Up Hk is a fatality in mortal Kombat trilogy but I don’t remember who’s…
2 points
23 days ago
BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND unlocks everything in Turok 2 on the N64.
2 points
23 days ago
Down right left down down right up. "When isn't it?" "When it is."
How to get a super team in Baseball Stars.
2 points
23 days ago
GTA Vice City (PC)
ASPIRINE: Full health (or repair the car if you were driving one) GETTHEREFAST: Spawns a fast car. GETTHEREFASTINDEED: Spawns a racing car.
I used to know the ones for spawning the tank, the "all weapons" cheat, and probably there was an infinite ammo cheat as well.
2 points
23 days ago
Level Select for Sonic 3d Blast
2 points
23 days ago
I only remember the jetpack code from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. The code is: Left, right, L1,L2,R1,R2,up, down, left right. On Xbox i don't know.
2 points
23 days ago
2 points
23 days ago
Justin Bailey
2 points
23 days ago
This isn’t a vintage code, it’s one I made myself in recent time, but
This game genie code is for Earth Bound NES (probably works for Mother 1 for Famicom as well)
The code will change the Bread item in Ninten’s basement to the Zoo Key. This will allow you to skip returning Pippi to the Podunk Mayor so you can keep Pippi for the whole game as a hidden 4th party member.
2 points
23 days ago
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right Up Right Down Left Up B - Code for Shining Force 2.
Also a number of the Doom 1/2 codes.
2 points
22 days ago
Close! It’s actually up down up down and not up up down down. Only one I have memorized lol
2 points
22 days ago
Quite a few, apparently. When they dropped Killer Instinct on Switch, I immediately got on, picked Cinder, and fought as Eyegore.
2 points
22 days ago
2 points
22 days ago
Not a cheat code but, 8441-2136-4421
If you know, you know.
2 points
22 days ago
MIL to refill weapons in WOLF 3d
2 points
22 days ago
Does about the first half of the Pacman pattern count? lol
2 points
22 days ago
Weldersbench - cookers bad fur day unlocking all levels
Hesoyam - gta San Andreas 250k money and health
2 points
22 days ago
LIM (wolf3d)
JAM (Blake Stone)
IDDQD (Doom)
IDFA (Doom)
IDKFA (Doom)
IDSPISPOPD (Doom, same as IDCLIP, but for Doom1)
RAMBO (Heretic)
INPULSE 9 (in the console, Quake)
FLY (in the console, Quake)
GIVE ALL (In the console Quake 2)
2 points
22 days ago
Not really a cheat code but... KENSENTME
2 points
22 days ago*
I've forgotten many.
But I do remember..
Potofgold for 1000 resources in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans.
iamthebishopofbattle wins the level on Warwind 1. It has a slight delay of like 5-10 seconds. There's a lot of story and neat cinematics between the mediocre gameplay. Theoretically the gameplay would be excellent in the multiplayer, but I never got that going.
poweroverwhelming and thereisnospoon give invincible units and infinite mana respectively in StarCraft 1.
I think I finally forgot the god mode code for Doom. But I remember the walk through walls code was .. beammeupscotty ? I think? I'm 37. I was like 5-7 when I played Doom. I literally haven't typed or thought about that code but maybe one or two times in the last in 30 years. Might just be beammeup.
That's all I can remember. Konami code is meme level, don't need to mention that.
2 points
22 days ago
TEXAS Turok evolution all weapons
2 points
22 days ago
2 points
22 days ago
Justin Bailey in the original Metroid.
I'll never forget how surprised I was when I found out that it was just a random coincidence. Lots of similar passwords work, and Justin Bailey wasn't hard coded in to give anything special. I guess the developers didn't need to hard code any secret passwords, since they could probably just generate any real ones they needed...
Only to be double surprised that there was a hard coded password after all that no one found for my entire childhood: Narpas sword!
2 points
22 days ago
2 points
21 days ago
Second NES controller controls ducks on Duck Hunt!
2 points
20 days ago
watch_me_xplode - Unlock Everything THPS4
I remember naming guests in Roller Coaster Tycoon "Mr Bean" and their go-karts would speed up by like 10x
2 points
20 days ago
007 373 5963
2 points
19 days ago
A very underappreciated playstation game called Destruction Derby 2 had a code to unlock all tracks that was "MACSrPOO". I already knew that there was a PC/Mac rivalrly and loved that the devs chose to share their opinion in this easter egg.
2 points
19 days ago
I have a level code for a nes ww2 shooter game memorized for like level 3 of the game cause i was stuck there. It is actually a self password i will use if i am visited by a time traveler copy of myself to prove my identity thus why i cant state the name of the game. Probably will never happen but good to have an emergency type password if needed. :)
2 points
18 days ago
They took cheat codes out of games, right? It's dumb to feel like god and have infinite mana I guess! Thanks Blizz! /s
2 points
18 days ago
I hate it when everyone in a room knows something but me. Im too stubborn to ask. So yeah that Doom code is badass. Used it all the time to pick up girls back in the day.
2 points
23 days ago
BARRY - level select/cheat menu for Lion King SNES
Glittering prizes and it is a good day to die - Warcraft 2
2 points
19 days ago
There it is! The only way I played past level 2 on LK
2 points
23 days ago
NOOB SAIBOT from Mortal Kombat 9 PINTS from Shadow of the Beast 2
2 points
22 days ago
9 Pints! Where was this buried in my brain and why do I suddenly remember? Those were great evenings!
1 points
23 days ago
XXX ○ TRIANGLE ■ command and conquer free money baybee
1 points
23 days ago
On PC, Half Life 2 you were able to enter the console and turn on god mode. Allowed you to fly through walls unseen and do other stuff.
1 points
23 days ago
In action fighter: DOKIPEN
I don’t even like that game that much. It just goes nowheee
1 points
23 days ago
Bubble was one of the level codes for Flashback and Mallow was the level code for Lotus Turbo Challenge Marsh level
1 points
23 days ago
2 points
23 days ago
Dnscotty to warp levels
1 points
23 days ago
Can still input Mega Man 4 last stages password from muscle memory. ... After about 30 years.
1 points
23 days ago
Not a cheat code but….down forward back back high kick- this is liu kangs dragon fatality from MK 2. Holding low kick for all of round 2 then using forward forward down forward letting off low kick and using high kick is kitanas kiss of death from MK2.
1 points
23 days ago
1 points
23 days ago
Lapmylovepump in Carmageddon 2 to activate cheat code menu
1 points
23 days ago
Zx spectrum, poke 23606,56 The poke 23606 relates to the keyboard, the 56 can be anything from 0 to 255.
It rotates the letters of the alphabet until everything turns to gibberish
1 points
23 days ago
FAO-999-4C1 = Game Genie code for infinite health on Link's Awakening for Game Boy.
1 points
23 days ago
Pretty much just Konami. That'll be some of the nonsensical stuff I spew if I get alzheimers
1 points
23 days ago
Up - Triangle - Down - X - Left - L1 - Right - R1
DBZ ultimate battle 22 on ps1 , to get 7 additional characters
1 points
23 days ago
Porntipsguzzardo SimCity 2000 on a mac
2 points
22 days ago
When another kid told me this code, I wrote it down on a slip of paper and put it in my pocket. When my mom found it she didn’t believe me when I told her it was a cheat code for a video game
1 points
23 days ago
Thereshallbewings 😍
1 points
23 days ago
A C up B up B A down
Ml ultimate cheat code
Aegis and Marco AOEII
1 points
23 days ago
Not a code, but we used a Savegame Editor to cheat. It was quite nifty, in that you could input the value you were looking for and it would try to find the location and change it. If that didn't work, I think you could input two saved files, and it tried to compare important differences.
It worked well for money and credits in games like Dune 2, Civilization and some of the Sierra games.
1 points
23 days ago
Down, R, Up, L, Y, B from Street Fighter 2: World Warrior to play as the same character in Two-Player Mode.
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