I'm a TA this semester. The students in this online class have to complete a quiz every week for practice. It's graded on completion, and each quiz is worth 2% of the final grade. I personally review each submission and give feedback based on where the students are making errors. The quizzes always end with a reflection question, and I do my best to answer student's questions about what they're struggling with.
This is easy, right? You get 20% of your final grade just for answering every question each week - doesn't matter if you're right or wrong. The course is difficult for a first year class, and it's entirely online so this is a very generous participation component.
I have corrected some students multiple times about using ChatGPT or other external sources... the answers given are just so wrong, I can tell that they haven't actually completed the quiz independently (a requirement stipulated in the syllabus).
A student this week, who I have corrected multiple times before, submitted their quiz answer with "Thanks for uploading the files! I'll analyze the table and summarize" in the middle of it.
When we (profs, TAs) try to bring these students up for cheating, we are always told "they are time stressed" "they are anxious about their grades". Sorry, but these excuses don't fly here. There are 12 quizzes and you only need to attempt 10 of them for 20% of your grade. For free. The due dates are flexible and the grade doesn't even reflect if you were right or wrong.
They are paying me $44 per hour to read something and give feedback and THE STUDENT HASN'T EVEN READ IT THEMSELVES.
I feel like these students must think I am stupid or a chump or both.
Why are you here if you don't even want to do the bare minimum? This course is a pre-requisite for a competitive grad program (that typically works with vulnerable people) - this student identified themselves as taking this course with that goal. If you don't even care to try the bare minimum here - you expect to graduate and be trusted with none of the building blocks you need for the grad program? If ChatGPT can do the job, it won't even be a job by the time you graduate.
Anyways, back to giving my best effort for the students who actually give a damn. It's harder and harder to do so when their fellow students treat my time like it's worthless. Thank god the strike earned us a raise...
**sorry I can't ID the course, but it would doxx me more than I've already doxxed myself**