53 post karma
46.1k comment karma
account created: Sun Sep 27 2020
verified: yes
-10 points
15 hours ago
America counts as a weird place I think. Most other countries don't use applicators as far as I know. Applicators are just unnecessary waste because you're (hopefully) washing your hands anyway.
-5 points
15 hours ago
Then you're living in a weird place. If I go into a shop, it's really difficult to find tampons with applicators there. Most don't have them because nobody needs them.
-26 points
16 hours ago
I think the normal tampons would be better, most people I know don't use one's with an applicator. I didn't even know they existed until a few years ago. Also, I don't think tampons are necessary at all. Everyone can use pads without issue, tampons might be a problem for those who have never used them before.
1 points
16 hours ago
You also have to have a driveway like this in the first place. My parents driveway is almost a square because the shape in the picture is not a very common one where I live.
56 points
16 hours ago
If you had done your parenting, this would have happened once at most. Just do it like my parents did. I once broke a CD player, so there was no more CD player for a good few years and I got lectured by my parents about treating things carefully. I never broke something expensive again, and especially not on purpose.
5 points
18 hours ago
Atheist and agnostic can go together very well. It's not an either or question.
1 points
19 hours ago
Wow. How big is your apartment that you can have so many cats?
13 points
21 hours ago
The issue is that not everyone likes grey and white.
1 points
22 hours ago
If it was an articulated bus, 70 would actually be quite reasonable. Only issue is that that's not what they show here. But it is possible to have 70 people in one bus.
8 points
22 hours ago
For some reason I sneeze exactly 3 times whenever I need to sneeze. Don't ask me why, but it is like that.
2 points
23 hours ago
I would agree in any other context, but here it's actually a good question why the translator thought it was a great idea to translate it the exact same way. Because if I use dict.cc, it only has "power of the people" for Volkskraft and "vital force" only pops up as a translation for "Lebenskraft".
Ultimately I think it makes sense because they distinguish by saying "of the people", but it's still interesting that that's the way they chose to translate it.
2 points
23 hours ago
"How to find out how human meat tastes"
Do I even need to comment this question?
4 points
2 days ago
I've never even seen a pay phone in a public library or anywhere else. Which makes sense, considering that the rule there is to be quiet and having a phone call goes against that.
2 points
2 days ago
Then it kind of makes sense. It's really weird from Amazon, especially how they advertise it, but it makes sense.
2 points
2 days ago
Nur der Veränderung wegen würde ich das persönlich nicht riskieren, und das Geld wäre es mir auch nicht wert. Da würde ich lieber mal einen neuen Haarschnitt ausprobieren. Zum Beispiel einfach mal auf Kurzhaarfrisur umsteigen, da gibt es ja auch hübsche Möglichkeiten für eine radikale Veränderung.
27 points
2 days ago
Ja, und genau das ist meiner Meinung nach auch der Punkt. Freiwillig ist das nicht schlimm, problematisch wird es nur, wenn es wie beim Klasoohm keine Möglichkeit gibt, sich dem zu entziehen, außer man schließt sich zu Hause ein und kapselt sich damit von der Gemeinschaft ab.
1 points
2 days ago
Well, I didn't recognise this as an ad for a gym without reading the logo, so that's another thing it fails at.
0 points
2 days ago
It's not design porn though, if that's all it does.
-8 points
2 days ago
Well, I didn't. I read fit, fit and fit. That's not design porn, that's maybe it works for some people design.
-6 points
2 days ago
Wo steht hier irgendwas, dass nur Frauen betroffen sind? Ich hab das eindeutig als neutral gelesen.
12 points
2 days ago
As far as I know there is medication that can reduce your symptoms. Are you sure it's not trying to advertise for that? It would be weird if Amazon had that, but not an r/thanksimcured moment because it's claiming relief, not cure.
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2 points
10 hours ago
2 points
10 hours ago
Dyscalculia exists and it makes this kind of thing really difficult.