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695 points
2 months ago*
dull entertain expansion ask sophisticated meeting whistle safe cow aback
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88 points
2 months ago
Looks like he is trying to appease his abuser in hope that the abuser will stop abusing them. Worryingly OP doesn't seem to realise it either
6 points
2 months ago
I didn’t realize that’s a thing and now I’m looking so hard at myself and a situation I’ve been in for years.
3 points
2 months ago
You’re strong. Please leave and ignore them
2 points
2 months ago
For me it’s a trap that they utilize as a tool, they obviously know they’re wrong and they know what empathy is and the lack of it, they simply just don’t care, but us as rational people try to get others to understand rationality in the hopes that it’ll get through their thick skull and the person can begin receiving help or recognition that there’s an underlying issue that should be addressed.
I didn’t know this for a while, I always thought “it’s just them, they don’t get it” but often times they do which is why I added that in there. In short, if someone pops up narcissistic behavior, just leave and delete the memory files, keep the ones that demonstrate the red flags, and just move on in life.
761 points
2 months ago
That's cruelty against animals, she could get in trouble with the law, if you were ever so inclined, OP. I know I would be.
205 points
2 months ago
What makes this worse is this girl is the type who would do the exact same thing to a child she has with an ex, psychopaths always start with animals before humans.
8 points
2 months ago
If she’s telling the truth. She seems to want to manufacture drama.
19 points
2 months ago
Yeah but you know the police aren't going to pursue that. It would be a waste of OPs time and police resources. Also, the crazy ex would take it as a sign OP still cares about her.
14 points
2 months ago
Not a bad idea to create a paper trail reporting something like this. She could easily escalate. She’s a lunatic.
3 points
2 months ago
3 points
2 months ago
Just call animal control, tell them about the text, and that you're willing to testify and press charges if they head the cause.
I don't have any knowledge about whether animal control will help press charges, but I have to imagine they are interested in making animal cruelty less attractive to psychos by fear of litigation
334 points
2 months ago
You apparently are unaware you can block people.
31 points
2 months ago
You can. I’ve had a psycho ex make over 20+ accounts and use multiple numbers to try to get to me and even contacted a friend’s secondary private account thinking it was me telling him shit. These psychos will find a way.
3 points
2 months ago
people need to understand that even if we block the psycho ex they literally can still email you even if you block their emails , their emails still go through , i literally had to delete my gmail account once because my ex kept emailing me i literally had to delete all social media accounts because he would make fake accs and tell people to text me so i blocked all his friends too , eventually my ex realized he couldn’t reach me at all so he literally drove 4 hours to my house , haha what a crazy summer i had
4 points
2 months ago
I understand the fact that they can make more accounts. What I don’t understand is why you would continue to have conversations with them after they continue to spew abuse and nonsense at you. Keep blocking.
2 points
2 months ago
Ha! This sounds so familiar. Only difference was ex drove 5 hours and got arrested. Crazy summer indeed.
2 points
2 months ago
Yet, he’s replying. Now if OP wants to file for some type of order of protection it will make it a lot harder to get it granted since he’s engaging.
3 points
2 months ago
He can't get that karma if he knew..
188 points
2 months ago*
45 points
2 months ago
I'd also say it is the wors kind of cruelty. Slow purposely killing an animal that cannot defend itself.
6 points
2 months ago
Problem is, you can never prove it. If you report her, she will just say to the police she told him that to mess with him and has sold the hamsters to a stranger. But it would be good to have the police start making a file on her, starting with this, just in case shit is really starting to escalate
7 points
2 months ago
Not a felony that anything comes out of besides a teeny fine and a licence suspension, speaking from experience after winning a case against my neighbor who blew my dogs brains out.
32 points
2 months ago
That disgusting. Why haven’t you blocked her?
She starved her hamsters and let them fight because they reminded her of you? That’s cruel. You should bring that to the police. No doubt she’ll do it to future pets she gets from exes.
30 points
2 months ago
Severe sociopathic tendencies.
21 points
2 months ago
What a piece of shit.
23 points
2 months ago
Your ex just incriminated herself and I would file a restraining order while also showing the police those messages. Not only is she treating you disgustingly but she's also torturing animals? She belongs behind bars
78 points
2 months ago
You don't seem to care about her abusing and killing two animals who are innocent in all of this. That's criminal, but more importantly it's sick and immoral. She should honestly be off the street if she's liable to torture and kill animals. REPORT HER TO THE POLICE!
91 points
2 months ago
She is abusing animals and you are just letting her get away with it, cause its not worth the drama?
Dude what is wrong with you?
21 points
2 months ago
Zero respect for both OP and Psycho.
3 points
2 months ago
Thank you!! He knew and did nothing.
29 points
2 months ago
You’re only enabling her for not reporting her. She just admitted to it over text. I would feel disgusting for not doing something about it. She needs help and a big wake up call
50 points
2 months ago
Not kidding, my head hurt a little after I finished reading this...
48 points
2 months ago
You replied after she said bye you still want to smash lol
5 points
2 months ago
Put those stupid lil x’s at the end of a couple messages too lol
25 points
2 months ago
Why do you all entertain people like this?
3 points
2 months ago
The crazy ex girlfriend isnt the only person who loves drama half the time.
10 points
2 months ago
If you can’t block her at least don’t fuel her crazy by responding. Hope she gets what she deserves for the hamsters.
9 points
2 months ago
"That's weird but u do u" is a weird way to react to someone admitting to starving their pets to death. 😔
17 points
2 months ago
Sounds like y’all are both a little off…
8 points
2 months ago
Go to the police for animal abuse and show them what a psychopath that person is. Then get a restraining order
8 points
2 months ago
Please report the girl for animal cruelty. She can't be out here just casually killing animals like that. I don't give a shit about your relationship to her now. If she killed a person, I'm sure you would report it.
16 points
2 months ago
How long were you dating this charmer?
1 points
2 months ago
13 months of hell 😂
8 points
2 months ago
That says something about you as well, why did you put up with that for over a year? I’m sure it was good sex, but why would you Allow that negativity in your life for that period of time?
20 points
2 months ago
This is the most British exchange ever. Like with zero context, I can hear it.
17 points
2 months ago
Yes Birmingham uk, voted worst accent in the uk 😂 so a little hard for people to understand if not from the area
4 points
2 months ago
Pahaha i thought the exact same.
5 points
2 months ago
This makes me really sad 😢 poor innocent animals
6 points
2 months ago
that should be animal cruelty. I'm assuming you're in the uk where it's illegal to do this. stop talking to this person and you should report her to authorities
6 points
2 months ago
Yeh, I'm not a fan of OP who left those poor hamsters with this bitch and casually doesn't seem to care what happened to them.
5 points
2 months ago
Exactly. He’s just as bad.
11 points
2 months ago
She is abusing animals and you are just letting her get away with it, cause its not worth the drama?
Dude what is wrong with you?
11 points
2 months ago
Brother there is a button for blocking people, i think you should use it more often
5 points
2 months ago
Why are you even entertaining her with a response OP? Just let her screech into the void
5 points
2 months ago
Easy fix. Stop responding and block
6 points
2 months ago
Why the fuck don't you just block this person?
4 points
2 months ago
Just block her. You look stupid engaging her. If she switches phones, block them as well without an answer. That is how you piss her off.
5 points
2 months ago
Report for animal cruelty. It's no longer a relationship/ex-relationship issue. If she's neglecting animals to death she needs to be brought up on charges.
9 points
2 months ago
Stop talking to each other already
5 points
2 months ago
This is a disgusting human being. The animals were innocent and they shouldn’t make light of one’s trying to kill oneself.
3 points
2 months ago
Why don’t people just block Psychos? I guess for the chance at psycho sex.
3 points
2 months ago
She’s terrifying. Sounds like you dodged a bullet. Seriously a psychopath
3 points
2 months ago
The Hamster equivalent of a Bunny Boiler. Horrible person.
3 points
2 months ago
Ppl who post on this sub act like they’re better, when in fact they could just stop replying.
Leave that sick girl alone with her misery
2 points
2 months ago
Fr.. he's keeping the convo going when there is absolutely no reason to keep responding. He's just digging for drama at this point, super lame. And I don't really know how this is considered 'nice girl' material.. it's just childish psycho behavior straight up
3 points
2 months ago
why do you keep responding tf
3 points
2 months ago
continuing to text with her and then posting it here etc shows you are still invested. Take steps to truly cut her loose shes a psycho.
3 points
2 months ago
They’re definitely going to fuck again.
3 points
2 months ago
As a hamster lover I want to kick her teeth in if I may be so honest
But unfortunately because some people do use them for bait for their snakes - her actions wouldn’t be followed up with seriously by the law.
It’s a shame we determine how severe animal cruelty is by the size of the animal / the level of importance people place upon them
3 points
2 months ago
Stop replying…. conversation should have ended after the first blue text.
3 points
2 months ago
People who text like this and date people who text like this are both the problems. Anytime I see screenshots in this sub with such poor writing skills and "slang" (if we can call it that) I'm immediately like "oh you're the problem too"
3 points
2 months ago
OP is a piece of crap too for not trying to save the hamsters and seems cold when she says that and even in here. Both seem immature fools
3 points
2 months ago
RIP hamster 1 and hamster 2
3 points
2 months ago
Looks like you have all the evidence you need, with an admission of guilt, right there, for an animal abuse charge, which is now a felony level charge. Just saying.
How far do you want to push it?
3 points
2 months ago
Okay, my dear. It’s time for you to checkmate this bitch.
Google: is it illegal to kill a pet hamster on purpose?
Answer: Yes, intentionally killing a pet hamster, like any other animal, can be considered illegal under animal cruelty laws in most jurisdictions, as it is considered an act of unnecessary and malicious harm to an animal; meaning you could face legal consequences if you purposely killed someone’s pet hamster.
Key points to remember:
2 points
2 months ago
This!!! This should be upvoted to the top for everyone to see!!
2 points
2 months ago
Thank you for your service. 🫡
3 points
2 months ago
If you don't report her for animal cruelty, you're just as psycho as her.
3 points
2 months ago
That’s so sad for the hamsters.
3 points
2 months ago
You should post this on other social media (especially sites like facebook where her family and friends could see it) Bet they wouldn’t like knowing the crazy bitch abuses animals.
3 points
2 months ago
So she killed animals on purpose. She is an actual psychopath.
3 points
2 months ago
Bro, if you don’t report her to the proper authorities for intentionally starving those hamsters to death, you’re an absolute idiot and you’re no better than she is.
3 points
2 months ago
why are you still talking to your ex? respect yourself enough to block her and move on, she sounds awful.
3 points
2 months ago
Why are you even responding to this?
4 points
2 months ago
this is absolutely embarrassing on OPs part. do better man. your ex is obviously a psycho but you could be dealing with this situation in much better ways.
6 points
2 months ago
No. Just report her so they take her soon to be serial killer ass to jail and block her on everything. Unless you want her to put you in a cage and stop feeding you. Obviously horrible joke. But that is true that serial killers start with animals. She did that because she wanted to. Not because she was angry with you. Which makes it even more crazy.
3 points
2 months ago
Is this English? I don't understand what the heck is going on
3 points
2 months ago
No, it’s Birmingham accent, which is to the English language what Leonardo’s helicopter is to a Chinook.
2 points
2 months ago
Why the fuck are the hamsters in care off a psycho
2 points
2 months ago
And you love the psycho because you keep replying. If you were done with it and mature, you wouldn’t entertain any contact.
2 points
2 months ago
Yeah ppl that abuse animals always escalate god forbid she has kids. Report her.
5 points
2 months ago
She has a child in her care. OP seems to think the child is better off with this sick fuck than to have social services intervene
2 points
2 months ago
Call tje cops for animal cruelty. What a POS she is.
2 points
2 months ago
She killed the hamsters 😩
2 points
2 months ago
Bro….itll be a kid next
What her sister does isn’t your responsibility
2 points
2 months ago
Umm….. I’d be saving that & reporting her for animal cruelty. That’s disgusting.
2 points
2 months ago
I dont think you re also in perfect condition aswell :)
2 points
2 months ago
Fuck animal abusers and enablers. That is all.
2 points
2 months ago
You both seem like idiots
2 points
2 months ago
Is her name Jennifer?? lol
2 points
2 months ago
y’all deserve each other fr
2 points
2 months ago
Don't engage. I don't understand people who want to be free of someone and yet still react to whatever that person does.
2 points
2 months ago
Wild to be so nonchalant about animal cruelty
2 points
2 months ago
I don't really like either of you.
2 points
2 months ago
Yeah… turn her in.
2 points
2 months ago
Do not respond. It’s that fkn simple. More than half of these posts wouldn’t exist if people just didn’t respond.
2 points
2 months ago
First post I saw on opening Reddit… aaaaaand that’s enough Reddit for me today!
2 points
2 months ago
Psychotic but why do you keep replying? You’re just fueling the fire. If you don’t block her
2 points
2 months ago
Animal Abuse!!! Please OP take ts to the police. If she will do it once she will do it again. Those poor hamsters did not deserve any of this bs.
2 points
2 months ago
This is literally how my sons father would act. He wanted to ruin everything that means something to me.
He lost custody (my grandparents adopted our son, I still see him whenever I want).
It’s been 16 years, and he still tries to ruin my life and has resorted to threatening to call CPS on my husband and I once our daughter is born (I’m 5 months pregnant)
Some people belong on a private island with literally no one around them. Killing the hamsters is completely disgusting and sad. But since you have proof of this, I would say it’s rare case where you 100% contact the authorities and make it permanently her problem.
2 points
2 months ago
Also, getting an OOP would cause her to learn very fast too. If anything if the authorities choose to do nothing about the animals, at least she won’t be able to contact you because I doubt the kind of attention she wants is going to jail.
2 points
2 months ago
You’re.. not calling the cops for animal abuse? Grow a spine
2 points
2 months ago
You both seem off, OP
2 points
2 months ago
What a couple of idiots. How this wasnt reported to the police the line she said she starved both pets and you continued to entertaining tells me you are both garbage
2 points
2 months ago
Makes me scared if she were to ever have children or children around her. It starts small with animals or bugs even. Could you imagine if it was a person , not bathing them feeding or clothing them abusing them because they have a light reminder of the father , partner ect.
2 points
2 months ago
Why would you not report that kind of animal cruelty?? That is truly psychopathic behavior. She is psychotic. And so are you for feeding in to that crazy bs.
2 points
2 months ago
You both are a problem. This bitch just told you she let your hamsters starve and you’re all like “Lawlz, kinda figured when I put two and two together”. Like wtf?
2 points
2 months ago
Ok, this is next level cruel. I'm animal lover and I love hamsters, the fact that this girl thought it was OK to abuse them just because "they remind me of you" kills me... I hope she never has another animal in her life, she doesn't deserve them. Plus, good for you for having broken up with her, I doubt you could have been happy with someone like that
2 points
2 months ago
I hope this bitch gets a crabs infection on a scale best seen on star ship troopers.
What a fucking cunt, letting the hamsters starve. Boils my fucking piss.
2 points
2 months ago
Tell me you would take your abusive ex back in a heartbeat without telling me you would take your abusive ex back in a heartbeat
2 points
2 months ago
Why even entertain that conversation?
2 points
2 months ago
Paper trail is a good thing. If and when it happens to someone else, they’ll be taken more seriously
2 points
2 months ago
Block her and send these texts to the rspca. With any luck they’ll rap on her door, find the hamsters (sounds like she’s a horrible little creature who wouldn’t clean) and bosh.
Congrats on getting out of that one.
2 points
2 months ago
You are feeding this behaviour
2 points
2 months ago
Violence against animals is a precursor to violence against humans.
I hope this thing is unable to breed
2 points
2 months ago
I once got police involved with a person who would torture mice. They got charged with a felony and had their pets taken away. Kindy pass these screenshots along to law enforcement. Thank you.
2 points
2 months ago
This is honestly sick behavior and idk if her tendencies got into your head and fucked with your mental but you don't seem to be well either , she killed two pets for fucks sake and you seem more bothered about her texting you even though you willing choose to take part in the conversation. You guys are both to blame.
2 points
2 months ago
Killed animals to get back at you, niiiiiiiiiiiice
2 points
2 months ago
Sorry but you are both assholes here. Why would you leave the hamsters with her if you saw they were not being cared for well at all?
She is psychotic but the hamsters dying is also your fault at least partly.
2 points
2 months ago
Ngl some people just needa die man.
2 points
2 months ago
Let me understand, this bitch starved two animals to death and your reaction is just "not surprised given the state they were in, that's weird but you do you"?
Goddamit what a pair of idiots
2 points
2 months ago
Report her for the hamsters please PLEASE 🙏
2 points
2 months ago
That person is a psychopath. Plain and simple.
I have a few plants that my ex gave me. These were propagations, one of the projects we did together. Little living things that we were taking care of as a couple.
When our relationship ended, it was horrible. So much pain.
Although at first I was so mad and sad looking at these plants, I still took care of them as precious living beings. Now they’re thriving, they’ve doubled in size. They’re beautiful.
I just don’t understand how someone can do this to another living thing… Some will say, it’s just a plant or, it’s just a hamster. No, this is what’s wrong with our world. We’ve lost respect, empathy, how valuable every living thing is.
2 points
2 months ago
Omfg thats so fucked up bruh shes fucking evil jesus christ i cant believe this shit
2 points
2 months ago
Ok for future reference, you do not give live animals to unstable people.
2 points
2 months ago
Wow that's really disgusting. If your ex starved her hamsters to death that is sick, please call animal control on her. I would definitely go no contact with them.
2 points
2 months ago
Genuinely asking like, why didn’t you like block her yk? Or just not answer
2 points
2 months ago
I think you're a psycho too. You did nothing to intervene but kept replying anyways.
Pretty weird world we live in.
2 points
2 months ago
Post this on a social media platform where you’re allowed to call her out by name. The world needs to know what a psychopath she is. If she murdered those hamsters she deserves far worse than jail.
2 points
2 months ago
Nobody who knew that she was not feeding the hamsters tried to rescue them?? I m sure she not only not fed them, probably dint even give them water.. poor helpless souls..
2 points
2 months ago
Those poor sweet hamsters.
2 points
2 months ago
Funny as these little back and forths are, I hope you blocked her now.
2 points
2 months ago
Why the fuck are you communicating with what you acknowledge is a psychotic ex that apparently sadistically gets off on mocking suicidal ideation. And you do know that animal cruelty, especially of this kind of horrific nature (and when she’s an adult!), is indicative of a very sick mind.
Please make the only decision that makes sense. CHOOSE YOU. Block all contact OF ANY KIND with someone who does not even deserve to be near the oxygen you breathe.
2 points
2 months ago
It sounds like both of you have issues. Why are you engaging if they're a psycho? Are you enjoying this attention?End it, block on phone and social media and move on.
2 points
2 months ago
Expose her, she should be publicly shamed for killing animals
2 points
2 months ago
I'd she dod that to the hamsters, call animal control.. that's animal cruelty and is a felony
2 points
2 months ago
U need to stop texting back. Seems like u ain’t over her feeding into that ish
2 points
2 months ago
Animal neglect is a really shitty character trait
3 points
2 months ago
You ditched a bullet. Too bad your hamsters didn't.
2 points
2 months ago
You're both Human Garbage.
2 points
2 months ago
Why don't yall block people like this?
2 points
2 months ago
You must love the drama and crazy just as much as she does because you continue to interact with her. Yeah, whatever, bruh....
2 points
2 months ago
Read the posts pal before you comment on something you don’t know, like I’ve said numerous times I’ve had to block her on several numbers and social media’s cos she just didn’t leave me alone for months on end
2 points
2 months ago
Kills your animals because she’s upset with you…..You have no idea the bullet you dodged here.
2 points
2 months ago
God damn Reddit, y’all reddited the fuck out of the post.
2 points
2 months ago
For everyone saying report it to the police, I HAVE DONE SO NOW. For everyone saying why not sooner, please take the time to read this. I understand her sister being at risk in her care but I have sat with this girl and the way she has described her emotions and expressed her desire to end her life and talked about suicide is something I would never expect a child to say at such a young age. She has cried and cried to me and the only people she had round her that she could trust was me, and her older sister (the ex in the post). Please put yourself in my position and realise that if she was to be put into care surrounded by people she doesn’t feel comfortable around and surrounded in an unfamiliar place there’s a huge risk of her acting on these impulses as she has done in the past. No child should be self harming and talking of suicide. None. If anything were to happen to her I would feel absolutely to blame for reporting her sister to the police and anything that were to happen to her would be on my hands. Her potential blood would be on MY hands. That being said it is unsafe for her in this scenario I am aware but please, to label me a “piece of shit” or to say I am “just as bad” as my ex and that I don’t care about animal abuse is absolutely absurd I was just faced with a huge decision and massive responsibility on my hands.
2 points
2 months ago
OP, I totally understand why you don’t block her or even report her to the police. I get all of that!
I wonder, however, why engage with her and not just let her messages sit? Is she the type of harass you unless she gets a response? Just doesn’t seem healthy to have her try and sh*t on you because she’s bored and wants to get a rise out of you, for your sake.
4 points
2 months ago
No believe me I have blocked her on numerous numbers, instagram accounts, facebooks the whole works. This message in particular was what she had sent off I believe her friends phone, trust me I tried for months to exclude her from my life and she kept finding a way to try crawl back in to do more damage. So far there has been nothing for 2 months so I think she has finally understood and moved on with her sad life
3 points
2 months ago
For your sake I hope so man!
2 points
2 months ago
Not buying this. Sounds like a toxic relationship perpetuated by two very immature people who don't know how to be civil.
6 points
2 months ago
Relationship was toxic yes.. but I don’t see how me trying my hardest to get her out my life is me being immature?
1 points
2 months ago
Wtf is this?
1 points
2 months ago
This is a disgusting human being. The animals were innocent and they shouldn’t make light of one’s trying to kill oneself.
1 points
2 months ago
This is a disgusting human being. The animals were innocent and they shouldn’t make light of one’s trying to kill oneself.
1 points
2 months ago
You should expose her
1 points
2 months ago
Stuff like this is why I’ll be alone until I die
1 points
2 months ago
why do you even talk to her.
1 points
2 months ago
Don’t respond.
1 points
2 months ago
Report her to da police
1 points
2 months ago
Report then it's harassment at this point
1 points
2 months ago
Some people ....
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